I hit the 27 Weeks mark on Friday and I am definitely starting to feel the effects of pregnancy! I have been pretty tired and find myself falling asleep at the weirdest times! It was 6:30pm last night! This week I have my glucose test and doctor's appointment! I am definitely not looking forward to having my blood drawn! I also am beginning to get lots of comments when I am out and about about my belly! At the gym, a sweet woman told me I looked cute! At church, a woman said, "Wow (followed by a 5 second pause) you look good!" I was really nervous about what she was going to say! I was even asked if the baby was due in a week or two. Uh, no I still have 3 months! It is amazing how this bump can solicit so many comments!
This past weekend we celebrated Easter at our church and then had brunch at the Officer's Club. I loved seeing all of the kids dressed up in their Easter outfits and I'm happy to report that Charlotte already has many options in her closet for next year!
Easter Sunday
On Thursday, we went to the Florida-Georgia Line Concert! When we found out they were coming to Hawaii, we were so excited! We do actually have a country music station here, but the Hawaiians don't really love country... it is all the military here that make up the fan base! The concert was awesome! We went to REAL gastropub before and got our southern food fix! Buffalo Chicken Deviled Eggs, Chicken and Waffles and Pretzel Bites with Beer Cheese to name a few! We actually found out that the owner of the restaurant is from Ft. Lauderdale. I'm so glad he has brought a taste of the south to Hawaii!
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With our friends Kelanie, Amanda and Brett! |
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Growing! |
How far along? 27 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: + 2 lbs (I guess I'm making up for not gaining as much early on!)Maternity clothes: Oh yes! Got some use out of my belly band this weekend! Still wearing alot of regular clothes that allow for my belly! I told Kyle that is definitely getting less and less fun to get dressed!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep? Slept so good last night! I told Kyle I didn't even have to get up to pee and he said I did. So, I guess I was just in that deep of a sleep. Sleep is mostly good. I do wake up on my back sometimes and it's super uncomfortable to try and move! I feel like I have an elephant in my belly!
Miss Anything? Besides the usual food, family and friends, not really! :)
Movement: Lots of movement and my belly is starting to move with the movement! I have been trying to get it captured on video! Maybe it will be in next week's bumpdate!
Food cravings? I have been so indecisive this week about food! Can't make any decisions about what I want to eat! Always craving my sugar though! Haven't had a donut in forever though!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Nope
Gender: Girl! :) No middle name yet... I thought we decided last night, but we are still trying!
Food cravings? I have been so indecisive this week about food! Can't make any decisions about what I want to eat! Always craving my sugar though! Haven't had a donut in forever though!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Nope
Gender: Girl! :) No middle name yet... I thought we decided last night, but we are still trying!
Symptoms: Lower back pain and BH contractions when I walk or work out
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? Looks like an outie in shirts, but it is holding on!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Having a screw in my tire and having to get new tires! I know the car will be safe for Charlotte, but it always stinks to spend money on something like that!
Best moment this week: Having a low key weekend! Sometimes it is nice to just relax. Pre-pregnancy I have always been go, go, go, so this definitely an adjustment for me. But I know soon enough it will be back to that lifestyle caring for Charlotte and eventually chasing after her!
Looking forward to: Kyle's parents arrive on the island next Friday!
Baby info: She's a cucumber or cauliflower?!?! They all say something different! This is the end of the 2nd trimester! She has doubled in weight in the past month! Wow!
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? Looks like an outie in shirts, but it is holding on!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Having a screw in my tire and having to get new tires! I know the car will be safe for Charlotte, but it always stinks to spend money on something like that!
Best moment this week: Having a low key weekend! Sometimes it is nice to just relax. Pre-pregnancy I have always been go, go, go, so this definitely an adjustment for me. But I know soon enough it will be back to that lifestyle caring for Charlotte and eventually chasing after her!
Looking forward to: Kyle's parents arrive on the island next Friday!
Baby info: She's a cucumber or cauliflower?!?! They all say something different! This is the end of the 2nd trimester! She has doubled in weight in the past month! Wow!

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