Wow! I am 6 MONTHS pregnant! How did this happen?!?! The time is surely flying and the weeks are beginning to blur together! This was an awesome week in our house for a few reasons! Kyle came back home from being underway, we celebrated 3 years of marriage, Charlotte's furniture was delivered and Kyle was home relatively early every night!! :)
On Thursday night, we had our friends Adam and Kelanie over for dinner and to help us get Charlotte's furniture up the stairs. The delivery company won't bring the items up stairs because of liability, no matter how much you pay! Funny enough, Kyle and Adam both went to Trinity Prep in Winter Park for middle school and then Adam's family moved, but now we are both in Hawaii and live less than 2 miles away from each other! They have become great friends to us and we love hanging out with them!
We had a great dinner of Pork Tenderloin, Macaroni and Cheese (thanks to Kelanie) and Strawberry Salad! The Strawberry Salad is my favorite and I have to share the recipe with you!
Strawberry Salad
Baby Spinach or Spring Mix
1 pint of Sliced Strawberries
2 Avocados, cubed
Toasted Almonds
Crumbled Goat Cheese
Diced Red Onion
You can use a balsamic or red wine vinaigrette, but our favorite is the Briana's Blush Vinaigrette! So happy that they carry this at the commissary!
After dinner, it was time to get this project moving! We didn't actually plan on assembling the crib that night, but Adam and Kelanie insisted and I wasn't going to stop them! :) So, they grabbed a few more drinks and got to work! They did a great job! Of course our little doxies, Maverick and Macey Jane were a huge help!
On Saturday, Kyle was up bright and early! I didn't even hear him get up, but when I woke up, our stroller was assembled! It looks great and I am so happy with it! We ended up getting the Britax B-Ready Stroller and B- Safe Car Seat! We love that they work seamlessly together (no adapters) and there is lots of storage underneath the seat! We received both of these awesome gifts at our baby shower and we absolutely love them! I also picked up a BOB Jogging Stroller over the weekend! We knew we wanted one for runs/walks, but with the salt air here, everything gets destroyed so we were thinking about buying used. I found one at Caterkids, a kid's consigment store, over the weekend. They are hot commodities here so once I saw the picture of it on Facebook, I hopped in the car to go get it! It's practically brand new!
The weekend projects continued as Kyle worked on Charlotte's "reading corner" while I organized all of her clothes and put them in her dresser! She seriously has so much stuff! I'm going to do another post on the IKEA bookshelves! They turned out really cute!
And now, onto my bump! I made this collage and you can really see my growth! I told Kyle, I can't remember my stomach being flat! Our little girl is growing, that is for sure!
How far along? 24 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: No weight gain this week! -5.5 totalMaternity clothes: Wearing lots of light dresses and shorts on days that I work. It's definitely getting warmer here!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep? Slept well this week! I was asleep on the couch at 8pm one night!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back!
Movement: Lots! Kyle finally held his hands on my belly long enough to feel her. We went to a movie tonight and I couldn't stop giggling because she was SOO active! I think she liked the noise. I kept grabbing Kyle's hand because I couldn't believe how much she was moving.
Food cravings? Sour Patch Watermelon Candies, Icees (they are my downfall), Greek Yogurt and Peanut Butter
Anything making you sick or queasy? No
Gender: Girl! :) I was actually told by a random stranger in Target that I was having a boy because I was carrying low. I was like nope, it's a girl in there (or that's what I've been told, hmmm! :)
Food cravings? Sour Patch Watermelon Candies, Icees (they are my downfall), Greek Yogurt and Peanut Butter
Anything making you sick or queasy? No
Gender: Girl! :) I was actually told by a random stranger in Target that I was having a boy because I was carrying low. I was like nope, it's a girl in there (or that's what I've been told, hmmm! :)
Symptoms: Lots of kicks and thankfully BH contractions subsided this week!! Only had them a few times when walking. I also sigh alot, mainly because I get short of breath doing things. Kyle laughs, but I really can't help it!
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? It changed drastically between Thursday and Saturday. It will be an outie soon, I'm convinced!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Can't think of one! It was a great week! :)
Best moment this week: Seeing her nursery come together!! I smile every time I walk past her room!
Looking forward to: 1 month until Kyle's parents visit us! It will be good to see them and show them our new home!
Baby info: She's an ear of corn and starting to develop blood vessels and white blood cells! She is also considered viable at this point! If my water were to break today, she would have a great chance with today's modern medicine! But we are happy to wait until her due date, even though we are dying to meet her!
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? It changed drastically between Thursday and Saturday. It will be an outie soon, I'm convinced!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Can't think of one! It was a great week! :)
Best moment this week: Seeing her nursery come together!! I smile every time I walk past her room!
Looking forward to: 1 month until Kyle's parents visit us! It will be good to see them and show them our new home!
Baby info: She's an ear of corn and starting to develop blood vessels and white blood cells! She is also considered viable at this point! If my water were to break today, she would have a great chance with today's modern medicine! But we are happy to wait until her due date, even though we are dying to meet her!

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