Had to get my 25 Week bump pic in! :) |
How far along? 26 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Easter weekend has put me back at my starting pregnancy weight! I have such a sweet tooth! Yikes:) So, it's all weight gain from here on out!Maternity clothes: Yep! Still wearing some regular clothes too, just depends if they give way in the belly area! :)
Stretch marks? Nope! And from what I've heard, if your mom didn't have them, you will most likely not have them! Yay! But, still lathering up every night with coconut oil!
Sleep? Some nights I sleep good, others I don't! It is kind of a toss up. Definitely taking more naps in the afternoon if I can get Macey Jane to be quiet enough! She is quite the watchdog and likes to bark at all the little noises she thinks she hears!
Miss Anything? I think while living here I will always miss food, pregnant or not! The food in Hawaii is just interesting and I am not really up for food adventures right now!
Movement: Lots of movement, but still no visible movement from my belly. Kyle feels her all the time now!
Food cravings? Sweet Tart gummy bunnies, Icees and Rice Krispie treats! (Couldn't have Easter without Rice Krispie treats!)
Anything making you sick or queasy? Something made me feel really nauseous this week, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was! (pregnancy brain)
Gender: Girl! :) We are getting close to a middle name!
Food cravings? Sweet Tart gummy bunnies, Icees and Rice Krispie treats! (Couldn't have Easter without Rice Krispie treats!)
Anything making you sick or queasy? Something made me feel really nauseous this week, but I can't remember for the life of me what it was! (pregnancy brain)
Gender: Girl! :) We are getting close to a middle name!
Symptoms: Lower back pain and complete lower body pain after running a 5k!
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? I don't have a complete outie yet, but it pretty much looks like that in shirts and dresses. It's more like a little hook right now! I don't know it will pop out or not. I guess time will tell!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Wishing time would hurry up! I'm ready for Charlotte to be here! However, I am trying to enjoy and cherish this time of freedom, because I know I won't have it back for a very long time!
Best moment this week: On a whim, I ran a whole 5K! It was a great feeling to accomplish that and I told Kyle maybe I can do a natural birth now! haha, ok maybe not! But, it reminded me that you can do anything you put your mind to! :)
Looking forward to: The Florida/Georgia Line concert with friends on Thursday, Kyle's family visiting in a couple of weeks and Babymoon in a month!
Baby info: She's an eggplant still or cucumber according to some apps! :) She weighs 2 lbs and is 9 inches long! :) Her eyes are now open and she can blink (so cute)!
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? I don't have a complete outie yet, but it pretty much looks like that in shirts and dresses. It's more like a little hook right now! I don't know it will pop out or not. I guess time will tell!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Wishing time would hurry up! I'm ready for Charlotte to be here! However, I am trying to enjoy and cherish this time of freedom, because I know I won't have it back for a very long time!
Best moment this week: On a whim, I ran a whole 5K! It was a great feeling to accomplish that and I told Kyle maybe I can do a natural birth now! haha, ok maybe not! But, it reminded me that you can do anything you put your mind to! :)
Looking forward to: The Florida/Georgia Line concert with friends on Thursday, Kyle's family visiting in a couple of weeks and Babymoon in a month!
Baby info: She's an eggplant still or cucumber according to some apps! :) She weighs 2 lbs and is 9 inches long! :) Her eyes are now open and she can blink (so cute)!

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