My family arrived on Friday and we have been crazy busy! I knew they would be jetlagged after the 10 hour, non-stop flight from Atlanta, but suprisingly they did awesome and we even made it to dinner the first night they were here! I think they were up for a full 24 hours! We are 6 hours behind here!
On Saturday, we were all up early and had donuts form Regal Bakery and walked around Waikiki. We spent the rest of the day at the pool at the hotel! It was fun! We went to dinner at Duke's for dinner. It's a must-see in Waikiki and has a beautiful view of the water!
On Sunday, we headed to Kailua to attend church and we became members as well. It was nice to have our family there and thanks to our friends Brett and Amanda for sponsoring us!
We enjoyed a nice brunch at Haleiwa Joe's and then headed back to Waikiki. We did the pool for a few hours and then headed out to dinner at the Hale Koa next door.
On Monday, we did a bus tour of the island that included Pearl Harbor and the Arizona, the North Shore, Kaneohe, Kuala Ranch and the Dole Plantation! It was a blast, but went all day and I was exhausted after! I have some awesome pics on my new camera!!! (I got an early "push present" from Kyle and I absolutely love it!)
Total weight gain/loss: We are staying in a hotel in Waikiki so I haven't had a chance to weigh myself! :(
Maternity clothes: Still just shirts. My lululemon pants are getting tighter around my belly and I'm dreading not being able to wear them because I live in them!!
Stretch marks? Nope!!
Sleep? Going to bed around 10 and getting up around 6. I slept well in the hotel, but ready to get back home in my own bed!
Miss Anything? Indulging in some beverages with my family
Movement: Still moving! But looking forward to having Kyle feel her kicks. Still haven't felt hiccups or seen movement!
Food cravings? Still donuts! We found an awesome bakery and it was definitely the best glazed donut I've had here! And of course Icees!!
Anything making you sick or queasy? The hot food at gas stations. Since I frequent 7-11s for my Icee fix, I am constantly gagging a little when I check out. It's not your typical hot dogs, pizza, etc. It's spam and some of the weirdest looking food ever! Yuck!!!
Gender: It's a GIRL!! :) Her name will be Charlotte! We are still deciding on a middle name, oh wait, Kyle is still deciding! But hoping to have it finalized soon. (I know, I say this every week!)
Food cravings? Still donuts! We found an awesome bakery and it was definitely the best glazed donut I've had here! And of course Icees!!
Anything making you sick or queasy? The hot food at gas stations. Since I frequent 7-11s for my Icee fix, I am constantly gagging a little when I check out. It's not your typical hot dogs, pizza, etc. It's spam and some of the weirdest looking food ever! Yuck!!!
Gender: It's a GIRL!! :) Her name will be Charlotte! We are still deciding on a middle name, oh wait, Kyle is still deciding! But hoping to have it finalized soon. (I know, I say this every week!)
Symptoms: I still feel like I get stuck on my back which is so weird! And I have a hard time getting comfortable at night. But other than that not a ton of symptoms!
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In, but practically flat and hard on top:
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Can't think of one!
Best moment this week: My family arrived on Friday and we've had a blast so far! They leave on Sunday and we have some really fun things planned including a boat trip to the sandbar, a luau and some fun dinners!
Looking forward to: My baby shower! We are having a virtual shower and the video will be ready for viewing on Saturday! I'll be sure to give a recap! My mom, sister and mother in law have done a great job planning!
Baby info: She's a banana!!
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In, but practically flat and hard on top:
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Can't think of one!
Best moment this week: My family arrived on Friday and we've had a blast so far! They leave on Sunday and we have some really fun things planned including a boat trip to the sandbar, a luau and some fun dinners!
Looking forward to: My baby shower! We are having a virtual shower and the video will be ready for viewing on Saturday! I'll be sure to give a recap! My mom, sister and mother in law have done a great job planning!
Baby info: She's a banana!!

How exciting........sosososososo happy for you two.. I do miss you guys.....