35 Weeks |
I was super sad as we were taking my 35 week photo, because I had major pregnancy brain and totally forgot to buy a honeydew for these pics! Such is life and and I decided we wouldn't be retaking them, so no fruit this week! :(
Here is my 35 week bumpdate with Charlotte. I think I actually look similar in size. If anything, baby boy looks a little more round and more high.
At this point, I am tired, uncomfortable and complaining a lot. My rib has been numb since Christmas and my upper back has had a constant pain since then as well. I sometimes get a little relief, but inevitably it always comes back. I also was fighting a cold and sore throat over the weekend. With all of that, I am trying to embrace and enjoy the last few weeks of this pregnancy as I may never be pregnant again! Baby boy is super active and I'm just so excited to see his little face! We have a check up today and then I start my weekly appointments. I did have an ultrasound over the weekend for a training exercise. He definitely looks squished in there!
Little face with his hand up by his eye. |
Profile! Looks like he is kissing or blowing bubbles |
How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 12 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight!Maternity clothes: Yep, it's been chilly too, so just bundling myself up!
Stretch marks? Still none and I am shocked because it is SO stretched!
Sleep? Sleep hasn't been great. I know that when I have a dream, I must have gotten a decent stretch of sleep in. I've spent a few nights in the baby's room because I couldn't sleep or Kyle was snoring. All preparing me for baby, right?
Miss Anything? Wine and being able to touch my toes or bend down to reach things without hurting!
Movement: Constantly moving and kicking!
Food cravings? Love my sugar and sweets, lol! I am obsessed with Double Bubble gum. It has created a bad habit for Charlotte too, she loves gum like her mommy too, but we try to limit it! Anything making you sick or queasy? Public restrooms! YUCK!
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks and the other day at the grocery store I literally had to stop walking, my breath was taken away several times by what I think was lightening. I think this baby is coming early, but that is just me!
Belly button in or out? Out!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on and still loose!
Happy or moody most of the time? I'll be happy when I can sit up straight in a chair and not be uncomfortable!
Worst moment this week: Just being uncomfortable and not able to do my normal duties. I am pretty much always doing something, so to have to stop and lay down because I am in pain is hard for me to accept.
Best moment this week: Kyle got back from his trip to Florida for his grandfather's funeral and we were able to spend MLK day together as a family!
Looking forward to: My sweet friends are throwing me a baby shower this weekend! I am very excited and grateful for them!
Baby info: He's the size of a honeydew melon, weighing in at about 5.5 lbs and his kidneys are fully developed now.
Labor signs? Nothing official yet!

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