Another week closer to Miss Charlotte gracing us with her arrival! This week I started my weekly doctor's visits and we are finishing out our classes at the hospital! We had a great tour last Thursday and the nurses and staff are all super friendly! The unit is rather small, only 8 rooms, but the rooms are spacious and are very nice! They also have you stay in the same room for labor, delivery and recovery which I think is really nice!
Kyle's command had another "Hail and Farewell" for those joining and leaving the command. It was Hawaiian themed, hence our attire! This top was the only thing I could find that was remotely "Hawaiian". The lunch was catered by Dixie Grill, a BBQ restaurant, and it was so yummy that we actually went there for lunch the next day!
Hail and Farewell for Desron 31 |
Yummy Southern Lunch at Dixie Grill! |
Kyle's command took a photo last week, so I thought I would share! You can see his command is alot smaller than the previous one of 250! This is Destroyer Squadron 31 in front of the Arizona Memorial.
Staff Photo of Desron 31 ( Kyle is on the left) |
Getting bigger each week!
How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 1.5 for a total of 11 lbs Maternity clothes: Yep and workout clothes! Stretch marks? Not so far! Sleep? Ahh, it gets worse each night. I would be lost without my body pillow though!
Miss Anything? Central AC and the conveniences of mainland life!
Movement: Oh yes, I need to get a video of her going crazy. The worst is when she has her feet up in my ribs! Wow, I can't breathe! It's miserable!
Food cravings? My sugar cravings are back! I love Jolly Ranchers! Grape and Watermelon Anything making you sick or queasy? Thinking about getting an epidural... Yikes! Gender: Girl! :) Miss Charlotte! :)
Symptoms: Back pain (but getting some relief from a chiropractor), constant heartburn and contractions! Labor signs? Not yet! Belly button in or out? At this point, I am not sure if it will pop out or not! Wedding rings on or off? On Happy or moody most of the time? Happy Worst moment this week: The waiting game! When will she arrive? Best moment this week: Getting the electric bill for our AC! We were so scared it would be $1000 because of the energy charges here, so we cautiously ran the AC. But now, we don't have to worry about running them and they've been going almost non-stop and I'm still hot! Looking forward to: Ultrasound and weekly appointment on Thursday, final week of our hospital classes and prenatal massage on Saturday!
Baby info: She is a large cantaloupe and is about 20 inches and 5.5 lbs! |
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