This week we started our classes at the hospital! On Wednesday night we took a breastfeeding class and on Thursday we started our month long classes called "The Castle Experience". Castle is our hospital and they offer the classes to help you know what to expect during birth and your stay at the hospital. Just after one class, I already feel more confident in everything! I also know that if I want Popsicles during labor, I have to bring them because they don't have them! Crazy, huh?

On Saturday, we went up to Haleiwa on the North Shore. I had only been once ( on the bus tour I did) and it was Kyle's first trip! It's about an hour drive from Kailua, but so worth it! We had dinner at Opal Thai (supposedly the best Thai on the island) and also stopped at an ice cream shop before watching the sunset on the beach. Kyle took some great silhouette photos and we talked about Charlotte. When will she arrive? Who will she look like? It's getting so close and so real!
How far along? 33Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: .5 lbs this week for a total of 10 lbsMaternity clothes: Yep! But right now, the less clothing the better! It's hot!
Stretch marks? Not so far!
Sleep? Up a lot throughout the night. Not comfortable, hot, dreams, nightmares... I have it all.
Miss Anything? This week... Chipotle and of course family and "home"
Movement: She has the hiccups as I write this!
Food cravings? Nothing in particular, just pretty hungry all the time!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Hmm not really!
Gender: Girl! :) Miss Charlotte! :)
Anything making you sick or queasy? Hmm not really!
Gender: Girl! :) Miss Charlotte! :)
Symptoms: Back pain and heartburn
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? Still in. But getting very close to making the pop out!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Hmm nothing bad this week.
Best moment this week: Getting Charlotte's monogram for over her crib and getting prepared with our classes!
Looking forward to: My 26th birthday is this weekend!
Baby info: She is a honeydew!
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? Still in. But getting very close to making the pop out!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Hmm nothing bad this week.
Best moment this week: Getting Charlotte's monogram for over her crib and getting prepared with our classes!
Looking forward to: My 26th birthday is this weekend!
Baby info: She is a honeydew!

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