So, I decided to search for a homemade cleaning solution! Our couch is a brown leather sofa and it has quite a history, hehe. My mom gave us the couches when she sold our childhood home a few years back. I would venture to guess that this leather sofa is about 10 years old or more. It just goes to show that when you buy quality furniture (the couch is Broyhill) it definitely lasts.
My mom and I took out the cushions and vacuumed all the fun stuff out of the couch! I was quickly reminded of my nephew Robby as we found a few of his goldfish stuck in the cushions! We also found our Apple TV remote that's been missing since we moved from Jackosnville and one of my mongrammed coasters! So, if you are reading this, it may be time to clean your sofa and find some treasures!
The recipe is super easy!
Homemade Leather Cleaner
1/2 cup vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
2-3 drops essential oil (optional)
I used some of my doTerra oils to give it a nicer sent as the smell of vinegar can be pretty strong! I would recommend a squirt bottle of some kind. I'm not afraid to share that I used my squirt bottle from the hospital! We didn't have anything else and it worked perfectly! It was a great repurpose!
Of course I didn't take before pics, but the couch is super shiny and looks like it was professionally treated! Try out the recipe! I guarantee it is cheaper and better than any product you would buy at a store!

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