I'm not quite sure how it has been 1 WHOLE MONTH since Charlotte has been born! I'm sure every new parent has the same thoughts and of course I received lots of advice during my pregnancy to include "Enjoy every moment, time flies" or "You'll blink and they will be leaving for college". These statements have a whole other meaning to me now and they are SO true! As much as it seems like yesterday that she was born, it also feels like she has been here forever!
First Family Photo |
We are settling into our routine and I am feeling more and more confident as a mommy everyday! Once my in-laws left and Kyle went back to work, it was just us. I was worried what we would do everyday, but we have been super busy! Of course there are some days we don't leave the house, but for the most part we have lots of fun going out to our activities and running errands! Charlotte so far has been an easy baby! We pretty much have just kept going on about normal life since she arrived and she has adapted very well!
Charlotte got to spend 10 days with her Grammy and Grampy |
Gaga is visiting until the end of the month! |
One of the things I was most terrified about (besides childbirth) was breastfeeding. I have heard horror stories from friends and other moms and this was one thing I KNEW I wanted to do, come hell or high water! So, in anticipation, I bought just about every breastfeeding product out there including creams, gel packs, thera shells. You name it, I bought it (thanks, Amazon)! When Charlotte was born, she spent the first 3 hours of her life on my chest, not swaddled, bathed, poked or prodded, and we bonded. About an hour in, she took to breastfeeding and probably nursed for about an hour! I was shocked! How did she know how to do this?!?! Then, I wondered was anything coming out? As the days went by and we went home, I kept waiting for something bad to happen! Sore nipples, engorgement and latch problems were playing over and over in my mind. I thought it was too good to be true! How could this be going so well? I know so many moms who struggle with breastfeeding and have so many complications. I feel so grateful to have been able to nurse Charlotte and not have any problems! Part of me thinks it was God giving me a break since I had such a painful labor! Regardless, nursing Charlotte is by far one of the most favorite parts of my day. There is nothing more sweet than snuggling with her and watching her eat! The fact that I can provide her with the perfect food and nourishment is a joy that I cannot describe.
Charlotte has been a busy girl this month and although Hawaii is a small island, she has already ventured around to most of the island including the North Shore, Lanikai Beach, Waikiki and Ko'Olina!
Aunt Courtney visited with her mom all the way from Boston |
I'm still trying to figure out a format for my monthly Charlotte updates! I've looked around on other blogs, but if you have any suggestions let me know! I know as she gets older and does more things, I'll have more interesting things to share! But for now, here are some 1 month pics! We had a little party with cupcakes to celebrate!
After about 300 photos, we finally got a good one! |
Happy One Month! |
Celebrating with Aunt Ashley and Robby |
Love my baby girl!
Weight: As of August 2, she was 7lbs. 7oz. She has her 1 month checkup this coming Saturday
Diaper Size: NB, but they are getting pretty tight! :(
Clothing Size: NB, some 0-3 month outfits, but they are still pretty big. She has a long torso and some of her NB outfits don't button because she is so long!
Eye Color: Blue so far!
Sleeping Habits: I know it seems crazy, but she totally has a schedule. She gets fussy in the evening (usually gas) and finally settles and falls asleep around 10. She wakes up at 3am (usually on the dot) nurses for about 20-30 minutes and goes back to sleep until about 5am or 6am and then usually goes back to sleep for about 2-3 hours.
Adventures this Month: Dole Plantation, Waikiki, Lanikai Beach, Moving into a new house at 10 days old!
Visitors: Grammy and Grampy, Aunt Courtney and Aunt Helen and Gaga
Milestones: Took her first bottle from daddy, rolled over during playtime, extended eye contact, holds her head up for extended periods of time
Favorite Toy: Not really a toy, but she loves her Rock and Play. I haven't even used her swing because she loved the Rock and Play so much!
Looking forward to: Dressing up for football season and our trip home to Florida in October!
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