Before her appointment, we all took guesses as to what her weight would be. Three weeks ago she was 7lbs. 7oz. I knew her clothes were getting tighter and we graduated her to size 1 diapers (tear), but I still didn't think she had gained too much weight.
Mommy: 8lbs. 3oz.
Gaga: 8lbs. 4oz.
Daddy: 8lbs. 5oz.
Grammy: 8lbs. 8oz.
Grampy: 9lbs. 2 oz.
We were all wrong!
Her actual weight: 9LBS 5OZ!!
Almost 2 lbs in 3 weeks!!
I couldn't have been more proud! I know she eats alot, especially from 6-10pm where she is a nursing machine, but I was shocked at her weight gain! My mom gave her a 3oz. bottle the other day and she was still a little hungry, so I think she is definitely eating 3 oz. plus every feeding! She was also 21.5 inches!
Then it was time for her shot! :( We were moved into a different room and I nursed Charlotte as the nurse prepped! Charlotte was peacefully eating and then she stuck her! Charlotte turned bright red and screamed for about 30 seconds! It was so pitiful. I was a sad mommy. But, after that she went right back to nursing like nothing happened! She got a Snoopy bandaid and she was just fine! The doctor said she may be fussy, but honestly I don't think it really affected her!
We go back on September 20th for her two month appointment. Wow, time is flying!

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