Monday, August 25, 2014

Charlotte: 1 Month Checkup

On Saturday, we went to the pediatrician for Charlotte's 1 month checkup! We knew that she would be getting the Hepatitis B shot that day and momma was definitely sad thinking about it!

Before her appointment, we all took guesses as to what her weight would be. Three weeks ago she was 7lbs. 7oz. I knew her clothes were getting tighter and we graduated her to size 1 diapers (tear), but I still didn't think she had gained too much weight.

Mommy: 8lbs. 3oz. 
Gaga: 8lbs. 4oz.
Daddy: 8lbs. 5oz. 
Grammy: 8lbs. 8oz. 
Grampy: 9lbs. 2 oz. 

We were all wrong! 

Her actual weight: 9LBS 5OZ!! 
Almost 2 lbs in 3 weeks!! 

I couldn't have been more proud! I know she eats alot, especially from 6-10pm where she is a nursing machine, but I was shocked at her weight gain! My mom gave her a 3oz. bottle the other day and she was still a little hungry, so I think she is definitely eating 3 oz. plus every feeding! She was also 21.5 inches! 

Then it was time for her shot! :( We were moved into a different room and I nursed Charlotte as the nurse prepped! Charlotte was peacefully eating and then she stuck her! Charlotte turned bright red and screamed for about 30 seconds! It was so pitiful. I was a sad mommy. But, after that she went right back to nursing like nothing happened! She got a Snoopy bandaid and she was just fine! The doctor said she may be fussy, but honestly I don't think it really affected her!

We go back on September 20th for her two month appointment. Wow, time is flying! 

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