Wow, what a month it has been! I am STILL working on the birth story and now have my lovely recovery story to share, too. Hux's first month has been quite uneventful for him. We have barely left the house because I have been so sick. Charlotte had been all over by the time she was a month old. You can read her 1 month post here.
Hux is such a sweet and chill baby! He is quite content and really only cries during his diaper changes and if he is hungry! He's been in his carseat several times and doesn't complain too much! It took three different sessions get his newborn photos done! He did not want to fall asleep! We got some really amazing photos of him (and Char too) and I can't wait to share them.
Weight: Last Friday, March 9th, he weighed in at 8lbs 6.9oz.
Diaper Size: While I was in the hospital, he graduated to size 1 diapers!
Clothing Size: NB and some 0-3 outfits. It's crazy how things that were huge on him are now getting tight!
Eye Color: Blue so far!
Sleeping Habits: He is sleeping pretty well. He sometimes will even put himself to sleep all by himself. He will be awake and then the next thing I know, he has closed his eyes and called asleep.
Adventures this Month: Poor Hux. Due to my health, we haven't done much! He hasn't even been to Target yet. His adventures include going to his doctor's appt, newborn photos, hanging in the parking garage while I was in the ER and going to Mission Ranch for brunch. He's definitely a homebody!
Visitors: So far Gaga has been here twice, Aunt Ashley and Papa and Grammy visited too!
Milestones: Taking a bottle like a champ! We switched to Dr. Brown's from the Haberman's nipple, he can lift his head up off of our chest, he follows voices and even made eye contact when I Facetime'd with him. He also smiles in his sleep or when you rub his cheek!
Favorite Toy: He is taking a paci (same one as Char) and loves snuggling soft blankies.
Looking forward to: Aunt Ashley, Uncle Bob and our cousins come next week to visit! We can't wait!

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