I'm late on my posting again, but such is life! 27 Weeks today! I did snap this pic earlier this week! Not much to report here, except a growing bump! Here is my 26 week bumpdate with Charlotte!
How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 2 1/2 lbs!
Maternity clothes: Bought a couple more things and continue to find things in my closet that work well. I definitely am feeling that my belly is bigger this go round!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep? Tired and not sleeping the best. Some days are better than others!
Miss Anything? Family and Florida. :( I enjoy it here in Monterey, but I am missing parts of "home" for sure.
Movement: Lots of kicking at all times of the day! I think he is going to be a busy body like his sister!
Food cravings? I bought Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal at the grocery store yesterday! What is wrong with me?! I continue to crave sweets! It is so terrible!!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Smells have been bothering me more lately. I feel like I can smell everything!
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: The usual!!
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? Almost an outie!
Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose-- I can't believe this!
Happy or moody most of the time? I've been moody. Tired, back has been hurting and feeling big!
Worst moment this week: Just feeling uncomfortable, not being able to do normal things and constantly getting out of breath! I feel like I am 3x my size sometimes!
Best moment this week: We finally ventured to Santa Cruz on Veteran's Day and had the MOST amazing ice cream, Charlotte started swim lessons and is doing so well and we sold some furniture (Charlotte's crib and a bedroom set) to make room for baby! We also ordered some new stuff! I'll be lucky if the nursery is done by the time he arrives, lol! Oh and Charlotte was talking to him the other night and said, "You're my best friend". She does say this to a lot of people, but I thought it was sweet!
Looking forward to: Family coming to visit next month!!!
Baby info: Baby is the size of a scallion. He's about 1 2/3 lbs and can hear our voices now! So sweet, because Charlotte has been talking to him!

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