Hello 3rd Trimester! Well things are beginning to get real! My belly is growing by the day and I feel like he will be here before we know it! Here is my 28 Week Bumpdate with Charlotte .
How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 4lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight!
Maternity clothes: Yep, pretty much live in leggings and sweaters here! It's been cold!
Stretch marks? Not yet! And I need to start remembering to put my coconut oil on!
Sleep? Eh, not the best. We dealt with a chirping smoke detector last night!
Miss Anything? Being able to reach my toes and tie my shoes! My belly definitely gets in the way these days.
Movement: Yep, he officially way more active than his sister! Still trying to figure out his position in there. Ultrasound next week!
Food cravings? I've really been trying to manage my cravings, but some days are easier than others. This week I craved bubblegum and ate way too much of it. It's so good though!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Public restrooms. I don't know if it is California or I am just sensitive, but the bathrooms here are gross. I try to avoid them at all costs, but with a toddler and pregnant woman that is near impossible.
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: Low back pain, some headaches, but overall doing pretty well!
Labor signs? Not yet! I think had started having Braxton Hicks at this point last time!
Belly button in or out? In shirts in looks like an outie!
Wedding rings on or off? It has too be the cold weather, but I am seriously about to stop wearing my rings because they literally just slip right off. It's bizarre, because you would think at this point they would be tight!
Happy or moody most of the time? Its a toss up. Some days are better than others! Being pregnant with number #2 is definitely a different ball game when you are caring for another child. There are just not enough hours in the day.
Worst moment this week: On Sunday I had tennis elbow and was in the absolute worst pain! I had never had it before and it was so painful! I didn't fall asleep until midnight because of it! We also had our doctor's appt. cancelled on Tuesday because the ultrasound tech was sick, so that was a bummer, but we will go next week!
Best moment this week: Getting dolled up and attending the Grand Winter Ball last Saturday and having the appraiser tell me that I was the prettiest Realtor he has ever met! :) Lol, he knew how to make a pregnant woman's week!
Looking forward to: Family will be here soon and Christmas! I am definitely stressed with all that we need to get done for Christmas and the baby, but Charlotte is so excited about everything this year and that makes it really fun!
Baby info: Baby is the size of a large eggplant, weighs 2 1/4 pounds and can blink!

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