I'm a little late on this post! I will actually be 25 weeks on Saturday! With daylight savings time it was hard to snap a pic before it was dark outside. I had a checkup on Tuesday that went well! The baby is super active, more so than Charlotte, but I just remembered last night that I had an anterior placenta with Charlotte, so I didn't feel as many kicks! Next week I'll go for my gestational diabetes test! Here is my 24 Week Bumpdate with Charlotte, I kind of popped from 23 to 24 weeks with her too.
How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 1 lb. !
Maternity clothes: I got my bins down and I'm so happy I did! I am sleeping better at night now that my pants don't cut into my bump! I also forgot about some cute things that I had in there!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep? I'm sleeping ok, nothing great, but I guess it could be worst. In bed extra early ever since daylight savings time! It's the worst and gets dark SO early!
Miss Anything? Since I alway say wine, I'll skip that this time and say, exercising without getting out of breath. I do a class at the gym almost every Monday and this past Monday I just could not catch my breath, also a lot of the exercises are getting harder to do. I love being active so that is hard for me. I ran the other morning and got through it pretty well with the help of some friends!
Movement: He is way more active than I remember Charlotte being. Kyle FINALLY felt him a couple nights ago, so that was really cool! Charlotte loves talking to him. Another child at school touched my belly and said, "baby" and she said, "Hey, that's MY baby brother". WATCH OUT!
Food cravings? Kyle and I had a stomach bug last Friday and I could hardly eat anything at all. Well I was back to my normal self by Sunday and craving all things! Currently craving CARBS! Charlotte and I made chocolate chip cookies on Sunday and they have been calling my name, every day!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Not really this week.
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: No new symptoms per se, just the usual back pain, belly is starting to get tight.
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? A few more weeks and will probably be an outie!
Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose!
Happy or moody most of the time? Tired and cranky sometimes. Happy when the weather is warmer and the sun is out. Those days are becoming more rare, so I am VERY grateful for them!
Worst moment this week: Don't really have a worst moment this week.
Best moment this week: Celebrating Halloween with our neighbors and friends. Charlotte had so much fun! We are lucky to have such great friends here in California. Definitely makes being "away from home" a little easier.
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving will be here soon and starting to plan our baby moon!
Baby info: Baby is the size of an ear of corn. He is about a foot long and 1 1/3 lbs.

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