Another 2 weeks have flown by and it's time for another bumpdate. I am really starting to look pregnant these days! Here is my 22 week bumpdate with Charlotte! Ahh, I miss that view in Hawaii!
How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I am officially back at my pre-pregnancy weight!
Maternity clothes: I still haven't gotten my bins down, but really need to work on that. Also need to shop for some new workout pants!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep? I've been going to sleep pretty early. I fell asleep one night last week around 7:45 while we were laying in bed watching a movie! I'm definitely more tired at night!
Miss Anything? I really can't sleep on my back anymore, which isn't a problem, but I find myself moving back and forth between sides throughout the night and then have to readjust all of my pillows! And of course my wine!
Movement: Yes, he is very active. Kyle still hasn't been able to feel him, but sometimes my belly will move when he kicks! It is really cool. I wish I could bottle this feeling, it is really like no other!
Food cravings? I won't lie, I crave the worst things! I don't crave anything healthy and thinking about it makes me feel queasy, lol! But I did eat a salad for dinner last night! I'm trying to give myself a little grace with eating and foods!
Anything making you sick or queasy? I'm recovered from my cold and haven't had any heartburn since then! I am SO thankful!
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: I finally went to the chiropractor last week. I saw one during my pregnancy with Charlotte and that really helped! I am hope this helps my back and also my shoulders and neck. I've been really tight there. Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? My belly is getting really hard on top of my belly button.
Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose!
Happy or moody most of the time? Now that I am past being sick, I am feeling happy.
Worst moment this week: Can't think of anything!
Best moment this week: Running my entire 5k. I love running, but it has become a little harder for me now that I am further along. I get winded easily and I have to go to the bathroom the entire time! It's not as enjoyable, but I pushed through on the race we did on Saturday and was happy!
Looking forward to: Kyle's dad is coming to visit and Charlotte is SO excited! We are also going to see Disney on Ice this weekend! Also looking forward to Halloween next week! Excited about our family costume!
Baby info: Baby is the size of a large mango! He is about 11 inches and 1 pound! Aww!! He's also developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums!

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