Well, we are halfway through this pregnancy and I cannot believe it! Here is my 20 week post with Charlotte and at that point, I had already finalized the nursery design and ordered all of the furniture! Oh how things are different for Baby #2. I have purchased a crib, but it is still in the box, in the garage! Hopefully we will get to work on HIS room soon!! Yes, I can finally confirm (via ultrasound and seeing his parts) that we are indeed having a BOY! Of course, we knew from the blood test back at 11 weeks that the baby was a boy, but I just had a feeling it was wrong. I'm happy to say it was NOT!
It's a Boy! |
The past two weeks have had some highs and lows. I visited Vegas for the weekend with my mom and sister for a girl's weekend and we had the MOST amazing time. Being pregnant in Vegas was definitely interesting, but I still had an awesome time despite not partaking in all of the festivities. If you are ever there, I highly recommend seeing Celine Dion. She was amazing.
I came back home the Sunday that the Vegas shooting occurred. It was absolutely tragic to wake up and see what had happened and so surreal that I was just there. Thank you again to all of those who reached out to check on me.
The next Monday morning it was time to go on my first field trip with Charlotte! We had a blast, but I also think that may have been where I picked up some germs. By the time Wednesday evening rolled around, my throat was starting to ache and I knew sickness was coming on. I woke up Thursday with a sore throat, congested and miserable. Friday was bad too. So bad I had to cancel Charlotte's riding lesson (which killed me) and to add to the chaos, Kyle was sick now, too. On Friday, my heartburn also started and my back was killing me. It was my first "bad day" of being pregnant so far. Which I realize I CANNOT complain about.
I hoped and prayed Saturday would be better, but honestly it was pretty bad, too. Sinus pressure like you can't even imagine and of course I can't take anything. My doctor said Tylenol and nasal saline spray. I've also been diffusing oils round the clock and taking loads of Vitamin C.
Fast forward to today and I am finally on the mend! Thank goodness! I hope the colds/sinus issues stay away!
Today, we had a checkup for Baby Boy and also had his anatomy scan. His scan went really well and all is good. I was told Saturday at a training ultrasound that I participated in, that I had marginal cord insertion in my placenta. Which means that instead of being in the center of the placenta, it is more on the edge. So of course I googled it. BAD IDEA! Thankfully my doctor confirmed today that I do have a more off center insertion, but there is no reason for alarm now. We will likely just track baby more to make sure he is growing and receiving enough nourishment from the placenta, which means more ultrasounds (so I am not complaining).
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Sweet little face with his foot in front of his face! :) |
How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I am officially one pound under my pre-pregnancy weight!
Maternity clothes: I just told Kyle a few days ago, it is time to get the maternity clothing bins down! My pants are tight along my belly and a little uncomfortable.
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep? My neighbor gave me her pregnancy pillow and that has been super comfy to sleep with. Last pregnancy, I used a body pillow. I'm still getting up multiple times a night to use the bathroom. Our little monkey has decided to sleep in a little bit longer, sometimes even until 7:30, so we have been super lucky in that respect!
Miss Anything? Being able to take meds when I was sick! Some Advil Cold & Sinus would have been amazing the last couple of days!
Movement: Oh yes! I also think that you can see/feel it from the outside. Last night, Kyle and Char were huddled around my belly trying to see/hear/talk to the baby. It was so sweet!
Food cravings? I went a couple weeks without a hotdog, but got my fix yesterday! Yum! I have been cautious as to what I am eating because last week I started getting heartburn. It was miserable!!! Last week I lived on Cold Cure juices from Whole Foods. They are $7 each, but it was literally the only time I felt good.
Anything making you sick or queasy? When I had heartburn and my cold last week, I just wanted to curl up in a ball! So miserable!
Gender: Boy! And we just confirmed that he is, in fact a boy, at our anatomy scan!
Symptoms: Maybe TMI for some of my readers, but this morning, I was just telling Kyle, I don't know how my boobs can get any bigger! Not sure if this is a sympton of second pregnancy or that I have breastfed before or what, but WOW! I feel like all the weight I have gained is right there, lol. Obviously had the heartburn, some low back pain, but for the most part, all is good.
Labor signs? Not yet!
Belly button in or out? Getting flat, hard and shallow!
Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose!
Happy or moody most of the time? Now that I am past being sick, I am feeling happy.
Worst moment this week: Being sick! Kyle was sick too, so we were just pretty miserable. Charlotte was understanding though and tried to help take care of us.
Best moment this week: Seeing little guy on the ultrasound.
Looking forward to: The Navy Ball this weekend! Excited for a fun night out with friends and getting dolled up! Of course, I will be the designated driver! :)
Baby info: Baby is the size of a banana!

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