It was great to have an extra day off with Kyle in celebration of President's Day! We had a relaxing day and Kyle was excited to get a new TV for the living room! We sold our big TV before we left Jacksonville because we couldn't see it traveling well and sitting it storage for 2 months plus! I'm not big into TVs, but I do like the picture quality and it fits nicely in our living room! :)
I woke up on Wednesday with another cold! :( This will be the 6th one of my pregnancy. I had to work on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I powered through and came home and crashed. I was a couch potato for most of Thursday and then I had a doctor's appointment later in the afternoon. It's so hard for me to sit still because I am busy body, but I do feel much better today. So, I think the rest and fluids definitely helped! Being pregnant, there aren't too many medications that you can take, so I rely heavily on saline spray, Afrin and Tylenol (in limited quantities).
Macey Jane is the best snuggler when I'm sick!
My doctor's appointment went well. We reviewed the anatomy scan and everything looks great. She is measuring right on track. My doctor did mention that weight gain at 20 weeks should be about 10 lbs and I am actually still in the negative. Being sick this week didn't help the weight gain cause, but she told me to not be surprised if I come back in for my next appointment and I have gained 7-10 lbs. She said it can come on quickly. I don't know why/how my body has struggled to gain weight because this never has been a problem for me before. I eat/snack all day, primarily healthy things and I do exercise, but the weight loss is baffling to me. Oh well, most people tell me to be grateful. I would be concerned if baby was underweight, but she is just right! :)
After the appointment, Kyle and I ventured to the Kailua Farmer's Market. We had never been and it was nice to check out this great event! Kyle got some sushi tacos with ahi tuna on a fried cucumber with spicy mayo. I had one bite and it was delicious! He also had pad thai and I had macaroni and cheese and a strawberry lemonade. They have a large selection of produce as well. I picked up this orchid for the house for $8! Oh and I can't forget the homemade ice cream we had too! Kyle had cookies and cream and I had strawberry (can you tell I have a thing for strawberries right now?)
My orchid! Now, I just need a pretty pot!
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: down 10 lbs
Maternity clothes: Mostly shirts! Pants and regular dresses still fit
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? I ended up getting a body pillow and that has been working out well. It is alot with Macey in there too, but we manage! I get up about 3 times per night to go to the bathroom, so that isn't the best for my sleep!
Miss Anything? My sweet Robby and Chick-fil-a (I've been craving a sandwich from there)
Movement: Last night I felt like she was punching me! I literally had to grab my stomach and I kind of curled up in a ball. I tried to lay down so Kyle could see/feel but nothing yet!
Food cravings? Strawberries, Vanilla Greek Yogurt and Mexican (which I could not even hear the word Mexican in the 1st tri without feeling queasy, Kyle's happy my love for it has returned!)
Anything making you sick or queasy? Some of the Asian food at the Farmer's Market. Eww, it's so weird and Kyle eats it! YUCK!
Gender: It's a GIRL!! :)
Symptoms: Movement, Lower Back Pain, Bump actually feels smaller this week!
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Being sick! It is no fun!
Best moment this week: Feeling better in time for the weekend and the forecast looks beautiful so lots of beach time! :)
Looking forward to: My family coming to visit in a little less than 3 weeks and my virtual baby shower which will also take place while they are here.
Baby info: Baby is the size of a mango. She weighs a 1/2 pound! Her legs are now proportionate to her arms, so maybe that's why I am feeling those kicks now!
Enjoy your weekend! I know I'll be savoring every moment!

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