Throughout my pregnancy I have been really motivated to stay active for myself and for the baby. I have read that women who workout while pregnant have babies with higher IQs. No, but really, because I found out I was pregnant right as we left Jacksonville and I was no longer working I had much more time to devote to my fitness! Plus, Kyle was my motivation and trainer! :) While in Virginia Beach, I walked about 3 miles each day on the boardwalk. When I first started, I couldn't do one regular push-up, last week I did 75 regular push-ups! Talk about progress! The only exercise I can't really do anymore is ab work, it's just uncomfortable at this point.
We are officially moved in the house and things are coming together really well! I am getting used to having stairs in a house and so is Macey Jane! Our household goods were delivered on Tuesday and it poured all day! The guys were really positive until it came to our bed. My bed is my prized possession. I know that sounds crazy, but I just love it and it is kind of irreplaceable! When we were looking at places to rent, the place was pretty much out of the question if we couldn't fit our bed. So, the guys told me there was no way the bed was going to fit in the stairwell. I panicked! I knew the bed would fit in the bedroom. It was just getting it up there. Thankfully, the nursery has a balcony. So, with Kyle's help, the 4 guys lifted the 200 pound headboard over the 2nd floor balcony! I was so happy and there was no damage at all to the bed. I can't say the same about some of the rest of our furniture!
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: down 9 lbs
Maternity clothes: Not yet, but got them put away and organized! I'm excited to wear them! I have some really cute stuff!
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? It has been so good to be back in my own bed! I've slept pretty good this week
Miss Anything? Family and friends! We missed a good friend's wedding back in Jacksonville and of course I'm constantly missing my Robby. But, he is coming to visit in about a month along with my mom, sister and brother-in law.
Movement: Yes, she is active after I eat or drink something sweet and she loves to hang out on the left side.
Food cravings? Glazed donut holes. Passed by them in the grocery store and could not resist.
Anything making you sick or queasy? Nope!
Gender: It's a GIRL!! :)
Symptoms: My bump has definitely progressed this week and I love feeling the movement.
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In,
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! We live in Hawaii! :)
Worst moment this week: I can't think of a bad moment this week!
Best moment this week: Getting into our new house and getting settled after 3 months of living out of suitcases! I value home so much!
Looking forward to: We have an anatomy ultrasound on Wednesday and we are getting massages for Valentine's Day on Friday!
Baby info: Baby is the size of a turnip (5 inches long and 5 oz.) She can now suck her thumb! Maybe we will catch her in the act during our ultrasound!
The rest of the house is still coming together as we get things on the wall and find places for things! More pics to come soon! Thankfully we have a nice attic to store all the things that won't fit! But, overall we are really happy with our new place!
On Friday, I ventured to the Ala Moana Center, which is an awesome mall in Honolulu! It made me feel a little more at home! Of course, no trip is complete without picking up something for baby C!
I also visited Kyle at his new command, Desron 31. It is definitely quite a change from the ship atmosphere! There is even a little koi pond out front! It was a Friday afternoon and most people had gone home for the day, but I'm looking forward to getting to know more of his coworkers at the Hail and Farewell soon.
I couldn't decide on a bump pics this week, so you get two! :) My goal was to wear the same thing for all of my bumpdates, but I had to retire my bathing suit top if you understand what I mean! :)
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: down 9 lbs
Maternity clothes: Not yet, but got them put away and organized! I'm excited to wear them! I have some really cute stuff!
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? It has been so good to be back in my own bed! I've slept pretty good this week
Miss Anything? Family and friends! We missed a good friend's wedding back in Jacksonville and of course I'm constantly missing my Robby. But, he is coming to visit in about a month along with my mom, sister and brother-in law.
Movement: Yes, she is active after I eat or drink something sweet and she loves to hang out on the left side.
Food cravings? Glazed donut holes. Passed by them in the grocery store and could not resist.
Anything making you sick or queasy? Nope!
Gender: It's a GIRL!! :)
Symptoms: My bump has definitely progressed this week and I love feeling the movement.
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In,
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! We live in Hawaii! :)
Worst moment this week: I can't think of a bad moment this week!
Best moment this week: Getting into our new house and getting settled after 3 months of living out of suitcases! I value home so much!
Looking forward to: We have an anatomy ultrasound on Wednesday and we are getting massages for Valentine's Day on Friday!
Baby info: Baby is the size of a turnip (5 inches long and 5 oz.) She can now suck her thumb! Maybe we will catch her in the act during our ultrasound!

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