We celebrated Valentine's Day with massages and a great dinner at home! I even celebrated with a little Sparkling Grape Juice! Yum! We watched the movie Valentine's Day and put together our new kitchen table!
She loves her hands up by her face!
Baby C looking at us straight on!
Happy after a great appointment seeing our girl!
It has rained ALL weekend, despite being beautiful all week, so we did not make it to the beach for my bump pic! :(
How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: down 9 lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes! I've been wearing the t-shirts with the elastic on the side. I love the Old Navy ones. They are super comfy and accentuate my bump!
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? Ehh, it was ok this week. Thinking about buying a Snoogli to sleep better on my side and have better support. Problem is, Macey Jane sleeps as close as possible to me, so I'm not sure how the Snoogli with get in the way of her snuggling! :)
Miss Anything? Nope
Movement: I was told at my ultrasound that I have anterior placenta. When the placenta develops, it grows on the front side of your uterus, which means that the baby is behind. There are no health risks, but my doctor said I might not feel as much movement early on because of this. She was playing alot last night and this morning! So I am not worried.
Food cravings? Pop Tarts! So weird! I passed them in the grocery store and couldn't resist... AGAIN. No donuts this week... YET!
Anything making you sick or queasy? No, been pretty good.
Gender: It's a GIRL!! :)
Symptoms: Movement, and definitely a growing, hardening bump!
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In, woke up Saturday and it was definitely sore from the pulling
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! This week was pretty good! Looking forward to a 3 day weekend with Kyle!
Worst moment this week: Hmmm.. can't come up with one!
Best moment this week: Seeing the baby at our ultrasound. We had a great ultrasound tech, Mari, who was so great and super excited for us! She spent 30 minutes with us before the doctor came in. Also, getting a great report that everything looks great and she has all 10 fingers and toes!
Looking forward to: Follow up appointment with my doctor to review the anatomy scan, the 3 day weekend and deciding on furniture for the nursery!
Baby info: Baby is the size of a sweet potato. She measured 6 oz. in the ultrasound. Her ears are fully developed and she can now hear my voice! :)

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