How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I gained weight! Thanks Disneyland! Still down 3 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight!
Maternity clothes: Nope. My lululemon leggings are getting a little tight!! Will probably break out my maternity pants/leggings too!
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? My energy has definitely come back! I feel like I am sleeping less and not as tired. Also napping less! I definitely need to rest up before the dreaded no-sleep with a newborn stage! Oh and a new development. I can no longer sleep on my back. It literally hurts and is so uncomfortable. If I find myself on my back, I actually wake myself up. It's really strange and uncomfortable!
Miss Anything? I didn't go on any of the rides at Disneyland. Just the small ones with Char! It was fine, but I do love Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain!
Movement: The movement and flutters are definitely happening! It really feels real now!
Food cravings? Still getting a hotdog once a week from Costco and love Jolly Ranchers. I actually have been craving apples, too! I also started thinking about Poptarts and happened to find the Annie's Organic brand at Costco. I scooped up a package and haven't looked back since. Char and I share a 2 pack almost every morning. So good!
Anything making you sick or queasy? I got Shrimp & Grits at a restaurant last week that came highly recommended. They were terrible and nothing like how southern Shrimp & Grits should taste. I actually thought I may get sick at the table. The shrimp just didn't sit well with me. I don't think I'll be able to go back to that restaurant now!
Gender: Boy! Anatomy scan scheduled for 2 weeks from now!
Symptoms: Sore boobs, headaches, lower back pain. Labor signs? Nope. Starting to think more and more about it, though!
Belly button in or out? Getting flat, especially when I lay down.
Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! We had a great Fall break at Disneyland!!
Worst moment this week: Having to come home from vacation! We had a blast! Loving see the magic and awe through Charlotte's eyes!
Best moment this week: Disneyland with my family!
Looking forward to: Girls Weekend wth my Mom and Sister, all things Fall and more Gator Football!
Baby info: Baby is the size of a sweet potato. He weighs about 7 ounces and is about 5.5 inches long. He can flex his arms and legs, which explains the movement I am feeling!
Someone wanted to be a part of the bumpdate fun!
Until next time!

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