The past 2 weeks since my last bumpdate have flown by! Here is my 16 week bumpdate with Charlotte! It's crazy how similar the bumpdates are! We were just getting settled in our house in Hawaii at this same time in my pregnancy! This afternoon we have another check up for Baby Boy!
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still haven't gained any weight yet and down 5 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes: Not yet. Clothes are definitely fitting differently and in tighter things I just look like I have a tummy. I'm excited for my bump to be more defined. :)
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? Now that I am in the second trimester, I do feel like I have a little more energy and that I am not as tired. I usually take naps with Charlotte on days she is home, but I usually work during this time, too, and get in a 15-20 minute catnap. Charlotte is up like clockwork between 6:00-6:30am, so I try to get to bed early.
Miss Anything? We went to an evening event at the Aquarium and it would have been really nice to have wine or a cocktail, but only a couple more months right?! I did have one bite of sushi at a baby shower on Saturday. The mom-to-be is Japanese and made the sushi herself, so I felt safe having a bite, knowing she made it! It was so good!
Movement: My app says I could be feeling movement at this time. At church this morning, I think I felt him during the worship music (it's pretty loud) so maybe it woke him up!
Food cravings? Since my last bumpdate, I've added a new one. Thai food, specifically yellow curry! I allow myself one hotdog a week when Charlotte and I make our weekly trip to Costco on Thursdays. The food court staff know us by name there! One thing I have learned here in California is that people aren't talkative for the most part. We've made lots of friends out and about just by saying hello to people. It's a foreign concept here! Also, sour cream and onion Pringles. I just sent Charlotte and Kyle to the store to get some. Charlotte LOVES them, too. Kyle can't stand them.
Anything making you sick or queasy? I've been feeling pretty good! Still experiencing some headaches, but really can't complain.
Gender: The Harmony test says Boy! Hopefully soon we will be able to confirm via ultrasound! :)
Symptoms: Really sore boobs (this seems to have gotten worst), belly is hardening, lots of visible veins lately! Lots of blood running through me, I guess!
Labor signs? Not yet! Beginning to think about a birth plan for this baby. You can read more about my birth story with Charlotte here.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Feeling settled and excited to be working again. We have gotten into a great routine so far. I know that is only going to last so long because baby #2 will throw any and all routines out of the window.
Worst moment this week: Dropping my phone (again) and having the screen shatter. Waiting patiently for the new iPhone to come out.
Best moment this week: Taking Char to San Jose to get her playhouse! She was so excited!
Looking forward to: Kyle's fall break from school and our trip to DISNEYLAND! I don't know who is more excited, Charlotte or me!
Baby info: Baby is the size of an avocado (yum)! He weighs about 3.5 ounces and will double his weight in the next few weeks. His heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day and his toenails have started growing!

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