Overall, Charlotte has an amazing temperament. She throws tantrums everything now and then where she basically will fall to the ground, but we just ignore her and usually it's over in a couple of seconds. Usually this is over us taking away the remote, cell phone or other item she isn't supposed to be playing with. She definitely likes to "rough house" as I like to call it. I was sitting next to her this past weekend in the car and she tried to pinch me. I said, "Owww" and she just laughed. Of course, she likes the reaction I am giving her. I'm trying to teach her gentleness and sometimes it does work!
The pumpkin patch! |
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Fall Festival riding a horse! |
Florida-Georgia Weekend |
Halloween! |
At school they have pictures of some of the family members. Her teacher told me that when she is sad or sometimes just because, she will go over and kiss my picture. How sweet is that?
Weight: 24 lbs, 8.5 oz (86%)
Height: 31 3/4 inches (82%)
Diaper Size: Still in size 5, but will probably jump up to 6s on our next Costco run. They cut into her thighs/hips sometimes, so I think she could use a little extra room!
Clothing Size: 18 months-24 months and some 2T. Just depends on the brand!
Eye Color: Blue!!
Favorite Toy: She loves her Fisher Price Picnic Basket and her Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair! She climbs all over it and sits in it! I definitely recommend it and it is also great for pictures! She is also in love with books right now. Her favorite books are the ones with flaps to pull down!
Hair: Still bald on top! But, most people are surprised when they see her and see how much hair she has in the back. Her hair definitely doesn't convey in pictures! I actually was able to do pigtails the other day. It looked so silly!
Teeth: At her 11 month update, she had two teeth!! Now she has SEVEN, with a molar coming in as well!
Sleeping Habits: She loves her sleep! She goes to bed around 7pm and is up between 6:30-7am. When she is home, she takes 2 naps, but at school she only gets one from 11:30-2:00 or so. She sleeps on a cot at school which I still can't believe that she actually sits/sleeps there! She usually goes to school 3-4 days a week depending on my work schedule, so when she is home with me, she gets to get caught up on her sleep! We had a record sleep moment last night. She slept from 6:30pm-9:30am.
Milestones: She's mastered walking and is starting to pick up the speed! She is very determined and is getting really good with her hands. She can put blocks into her little square and she likes to figure out how things work. One of her favorite things to do is open the drawer in the bathroom and pull all of my makeup out. She is already a girly girl!
Words: Wow, this one is exciting. She literally copies everything we say and it is so cute! Some of my favorite words that she says:
- Snack (this is actually Kyle's favorite) She says this and stands at her highchair. She wants to eat constantly.
- Dada (she loves to call his name out in the morning to come get her from her crib)
- Car
- More
- Nana (for banana)
- Walk
Adventures this Month: Charlotte went to her first football game and cheered on the Jacksonville Jaguars! She had her first dental appointment to get all of her SEVEN teeth checked out! :) She rode a horse at the fall festival and absolutely loved it! She spent the weekend with Gaga in Orlando and got to meet some of Daddy's friends in New Smyrna Beach! She also experienced her first Florida-Georgia weekend and she had a blast, hence why she slept over 14 hours last night!
We will see you again for an update at 18 months!

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