Fast forward to Friday morning... Happy 4th of July... yea right! The plan was for me to ride with Kyle into work so he could take the duty cellphone and then go to the gym, get lunch and shop on that side of the island. I woke up feeling icky, just not right. My stomach started gurgling and I will spare you all the gory details, but I knew this wasn't going to be good. Before Kyle had left, I hadn't started vomiting yet. Well, that became full fledged and I was in the bathtub then back in the bed, desperately trying to feel better. I noticed that my stomach was tightening really bad, but I thought it was just from the vomiting, I didn't realize for a bit that these were contractions. I did my best to text Kyle and also called the hospital birthing center (in the middle of throwing up) trying to figure out what to do. Kyle rushed home and picked me up to take me to the hospital. Really, the ride to the hospital is a blur. I was delirious and super dehydrated.
We arrived at the hospital and I really couldn't speak. I was pacing and just in so much pain and searching for the nearest toilet or trashcan possible. We got checked in and thankfully my doctor was there delivering a baby. The nurse came in and got me started on IV fluids, while I continued to vomit! I got hooked up to the monitors and was having monster contractions every 2-3 minutes. For those of you that have had babies, the peaks were at the top of the graph. My doctor was like, well this could be labor or could be caused by the dehydration and what your body has been through. She checked my cervix and said she would re-check in 2 hours to see if I was making any progress.
I received some nausea medication and fluids and slowly the contractions got further and further apart. It was impossible for me to rest, but I laid on my side and just tried to relax. When they re-checked me, I hadn't changed, still 1cm. I tried to drink some water and thankfully I was able to keep that down! I was so thirsty! When I knew Charlotte wasn't coming on 4th of July, I just wanted to go home. I was exhausted and so uncomfortable in the hospital. I was freezing and not comfortable in the bed at all.
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I wouldn't normally share horrible photos of me, but this somewhat depicts how horrible I was feeling! At this point the contractions had subsided! Praise the lord! |
We headed home and Kyle stocked up on some Gatorade, saltine crackers and chicken soup. My body was super weak and ached all over. It was truly a traumatic experience that I wouldn't want to ever go through again, pregnant or not. I finally made it out of the house today to go to church and check out our new house, but even that has worn me out! I'm glad Charlotte decided to stay put, because I don't think I would have had the energy to get through labor!
On Saturday, we got a call from the housing office and we finally got a house on Ford Island. We originally decided to move because our landlord was trying to sell the house we live in. Our lease is only through January of next year, so we knew that we would have to move at some point since our orders are here until July. So, we felt like the sooner the better so we could get settled and enjoy this time as a new family. Of course, the timing is not nearly ideal, especially because we don't know when this little girl will arrive, but we are trying our best to not stress and realize that it will all work out! The house may not be decorated for months, but at least we will be comfortable with the A/C, Kyle will be closer to work, we will have a garage ( my car is boiling every time I get in it and I was super nervous about putting Charlotte in it), on top of a million other good things. We still haven't solidified a moving date, but it will be sometime between July 30 and August 15. Kyle's parents are here from July 25-August 5 and my mom arrives August 15-31. So thankfully we will have some help during this time! I'm hoping to take some photos this week of Charlotte's perfectly set up nursery so that we can somewhat document it before we take it down and move it to the new house!
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Our new house! |
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We are currently at the blue dot, moving to the red dot and Kyle works at the purple dot. It is alot closer, but the traffic on the Honolulu side is much worse than the Kailua side. |
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On Ford Island overlooking the Arizona memorial and the Reagan Aircraft Carrier in town for RIMPAC |
I have no bump pic this week! :( Hopefully once I'm feeling better I can document! This may be the last one!
How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I lost 5 lbs upon checking into the hospital. Will update again next week once my body bounces back!
Maternity clothes: Anything that fits!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep? One night I was up every hour, the next only 2 times in one night. It's constantly changing
Maternity clothes: Anything that fits!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep? One night I was up every hour, the next only 2 times in one night. It's constantly changing
Miss Anything? Nothing in particular!
Movement: Her movement has not been as active over the weekend, but I think she was resting from all of the activity I put her through or she is running out of room!
Food cravings? Ugh, food is not my friend right now
Anything making you sick or queasy? Thinking about labor
Gender: Girl! :) Miss Charlotte! :)
Anything making you sick or queasy? Thinking about labor
Gender: Girl! :) Miss Charlotte! :)
Symptoms: Some contractions, low back pain, heartburn like crazy even after having nothing to eat! It just starts up!
Labor signs? Still 1 cm dilated!
Belly button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? On and still fitting good, suprisingly!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: I would change this to say worse moment of my entire pregnancy was the events of 4th of July! So horrible!
Best moment this week: Getting a house on Ford Island!
Belly button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? On and still fitting good, suprisingly!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: I would change this to say worse moment of my entire pregnancy was the events of 4th of July! So horrible!
Best moment this week: Getting a house on Ford Island!
Looking forward to: Getting closer and closer to her due date! The waiting game has begun!
Baby info: She's a watermelon and weighing in at about 6 lbs!

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