This pregnancy is truly just flying by! I was 14 weeks on Saturday and all is going well! I feel great for the most part, just a little tired and then I've been battling some headaches almost daily that are not so fun!
In comparison, here is my 14 week post from my pregnancy with Charlotte!
How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: down 5 lbs from pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes: Not yet! My sister gave me all of hers before we left Florida which was great! She was pregnant during the winter so has lots of long sleeve and pant options!
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? There have been some nights where I have literally gone to bed at 7:30 and I literally cannot keep my eyes open. I have gotten some really bad headaches during this pregnancy and sometimes the only thing that helps is sleep. I'm already having to get up multiple times per night to use the bathroom. I can't believe it! Everything happens much quicker on the second go around!
Miss Anything? Wine! We also had a lunch date to get tuna poke the other day and of course I couldn't have it! :(
Movement: I didn't feel movement with Charlotte until about 17 weeks. I definitely feel pressure and can sense where he is, but maybe I'm crazy!
Food cravings? Hotdogs (yes this a new one), Jolly Ranchers (only Watermelon and Strawberry flavors) and donuts from the most amazing donut shop, Monterey Donuts!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Sometimes I am not hungry for dinner. My appetite is different, but my food aversions are not as bad as last pregnancy.
Gender: The Harmony test says Boy!
Symptoms: Really sore boobs, headaches, just a tiny bit of morning sickness on some days, but no vomiting thank goodness!
Labor signs? Nope
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and very loose! Kyle loves to remind me I'll be swollen soon!
Happy or moody most of the time? Mostly happy. Feeling settled in our home and so happy to have passed my real estate licensing exam!
Worst moment this week: Waking up at 4am to drive to Oakland! I survived though!
Best moment this week: Sharing our news that we are expecting a baby boy!
Looking forward to: The return of Gator football and the long Labor Day Weekend!
Baby info: Baby is the size of a lemon! He can now squint, frown pee and suck his thumb! Aw!

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