Friday, September 9, 2016

The Daniel Fast: Part 2

Today is Day 17 of the Daniel Fast and I am definitely ready to celebrate the end of the fast! If I have another brown rice bowl with black beans, I may get sick, lol! We've had a veggie bowl from Chipotle a couple of times and I vow that I probably won't eat there again for MONTHS! I found another great option at Zoe's Kitchen! Their Veggie Kabobs with Greek Salad (no feta) and their potato salad (no mayo) is Vegan!

I have lost 9 lbs and my clothes are definitely looser so that is definitely an added plus! I still haven't experienced increased energy or clarity. I have been going to bed pretty early though, which has definitely been a good thing and trying to wake up earlier so that I can workout before Charlotte wakes up. My prayer life has definitely increased and become more meaningful so I am very grateful for that! Overall, it has been a great experience and I would highly recommend it! It has definitely helped having Kyle and I do it together!

Anyways, a couple of new recipes to share for those who have been asking!

Roasted Chickpeas
These are a great staple to have on hand for when people come over, so easy and so healthy! 

-Preheat oven to 450 degrees 
- Drain, rinse and pat chickpeas dry. 
-Toss with olive oil and salt, pepper and your favorite seasonings. 
- Roast in oven for 20-25 minutes until desired crispiness. 

A friend wasn't using some of her Green Chef meals that she ordered, so she let me try them out. This is a similar meal service like Blue Apron, but all of the ingredients are organic. The ingredients also come in these little containers and most everything is chopped. We made this delicious Thai Green Curry and just omitted the chicken to fall in line with the fast! So easy and really yummy! Thanks again, Beth!

Green Chef Thai Green Chile Curry with Mango 

I made Sweet Potato Burritos on Tuesday night and they were great! Sweet Potatoes are so delicious and their texture really makes up for the lack of meat! You can view the recipe here!

Kyle made Sweet Potato Curry last week and by far that has been my favorite recipe! Not surprised because he is an amazing chef (who also makes a MESS in the kitchen when he cooks)! We had a friend over who is also doing the Daniel Fast and I think it was the best meal he had on the fast! :) Kyle tweaked the recipe a bit, but you can find the recipe here! Kyle didn't use lemongrass (couldn't find it at the grocery) and chopped his own San Marzano tomatoes instead of crushed tomatoes. 

A couple of more days! Say a prayer we can survive the last few days!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Daniel Fast: Part 1

We are almost one week into the Daniel Fast and definitely taking it one day at a time! The fast has definitely been interesting- very challenging on some days and easier on others. I am grateful for the easy days, but also embracing the challenging days as I know that's when I need to lean in most and turn to God to help me through. I have prayed way more than I ever would if I wasn't doing the fast!

 I will admit, I thought I would experience more "side effects" like mental clarity, an energy boost and weight loss. I've lost 3 lbs since starting the fast. You would think I would have lost 10 lbs by now with all the things I have eliminated (of course, Kyle has)!  I think for me that is partly because of the high carb nature of the fast. I will say, I have NEVER been able to stick to a diet of any sort or abstain from wine (except for when I was pregnant) for more than a few days. This fast has been great because it has revealed to me that I can and the funny thing is I KNOW that I can't cheat. It just isn't an option!

Every day I try to write down a few words to sum up my day. Here is my journey so far:

Day 1- Struggled. Thought about food or lack thereof most of the day. Had to grab internet at Dunkin Donuts and I got to smell the donuts! Torture! 
Day 2- Woke up feeling lighter and refreshed
Day 3- Struggled in the morning with getting out of the house. Made it to work out. Headache in afternoon. On edge
Day 4- Felt good most of day. Kind of bored, which just showed us our weekends revolved around eating and drinking. Whoops! Napped when Charlotte napped. Went to see a movie and brought our approved snacks with us! 
Day 5- Felt rather defeated! Went to an event that had lots of yummy food and wine! That was a challenge. 
Day 6- Woke up with major stomach issues! Not sure what it could be as everything i am eating is fresh. Took the day off from working out and tried to feel better. 
Day 7-Today was much better! I was busy and didn’t have much time to think about being hungry or missing things. Didn’t eat lunch until 2pm, but felt very satisfied with my hummus and veggies 

Here are some of my go to snacks:
-  Bare Cinnamon Banana Chips 
-  Way Better Sweet Potato Chips
- Skinny Pop Popcorn 
- Hummus with Carrots, Celery and Cucumbers
- Cashews, Sunflower Seeds, Salt & Pepper Pistachios
- Brown Rice Cakes (plain or with natural peanut butter or guacamole)
- Cotton Candy Grapes (these are amazing and worth the $10 I spent on them today at Publix)
- Honey Crisp Apples
Some of my go to snacks! Jury is still out on Brad's Crunchy Kale!
As I mentioned earlier, Kyle and I quickly realized that our weekends involve going out to eat and indulging. So, we were happy to find some restaurants that were Daniel fast friendly and also available in a quick pinch if we didn't have something to eat at home.

Chipotle- Brown Rice, Black Beans, Veggies, Salsa, Guacamole. Their corn tortillas are also "safe". 
Toss Green- We had their Mango and Grain Bowl. Their dressings are home-made and their Cashew Dressing and Avocado Vinaigrette are approved! 
Grain & Mango Bowl with Avocado Vinaigrette
Fresh Jax- We actually haven't had their food yet, but they have many vegan options, including a sweet potato curry. You can follow them on instagram for their weekly features. 

I made a delicious salad on Saturday night! I would definitely make it again. You can find the recipe here. I substituted Spring Mix for the Spinach and used my Vitamix Blender to make the dressing! 
Roasted Chickpea, Quinoa and Tomato Salad with Avocado Basil Dressing 
Tomorrow I am trying a Vegan Hearty Slow Cooker Chili  for our Disciple Group meeting tomorrow night. I'll let you know how it goes! I chopped all the ingredients tonight and then will throw in the crockpot in the morning to simmer all day. Sounds yummy! 

That's all for now! Will be back with another update soon! Praying we survive the Labor Day weekend! No hotdogs or hamburgers for us! :) 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Charlotte's 2nd Birthday at Bay & Bee

When the time rolled around to plan Charlotte's 2nd birthday there was one thing that came to mind... It would be the middle of summer and INCREDIBLY HOT! Last year, we celebrated Charlotte's 1st Birthday at my mom's house in Orlando since we were in transition from Hawaii to Jax. This year, I knew she would have more friends to invite, so I wanted to have the party somewhere that kids could have fun indoors (and not have toddlers destroy my house, lol) The easy choice was Bay & Bee! Bay & Bee is a locally-owned small business, inspired by Montessori and Waldorf educational principles to create a stimulating eco-friendly play environment. On top of that, it is air-conditioned and their amazing staff makes sure every detail is accounted for!

Once we knew the date and location, it was time to start working on a theme! Charlotte is fairly obsessed with Frozen right now, so I debated a Frozen party, but then was made aware by other moms that there would be plenty of time for a Frozen-themed party in future years! So, we decided on Flamingo theme and it turned out so cute!

I couldn't have done it without my sweet friend, Stephanie with Boogie & Bear. Just when we started planning the party, her sweet and beautiful daughter, Addison, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. When I heard the news, I told Stephanie that there is no way I could expect anything from her during this incredibly challenging time for her family. Stephanie totally went above and beyond with the invitation and decorations and her husband even delivered items to my doorstep! I seriously could not have asked for anything more and I would highly recommend her to anyone planning a shower, birthday party or if you are just looking for some monogrammed goods. Stephanie is so sweet and creative. Please lift her family up in prayer and that Addison may be cured of cancer and get back to being a little girl instead of dealing with this horrible illness.

Charlotte's adorable invite by Boogie & Bear 

Birthday Stats Poster by by Dandelion Design on Etsy
Cookie Favors by Jenn Rorstrom 
Flamingos from Pottery Barn Kids

Fabric banner by Boogie & Bear 
Cake by the always-amazing Publix and topper by Boogie & Bear! 
Monogram and "2" Cupcake Toppers by Boogie & Bear
We had Chick-fil-A cater and it was so easy! 

Of course, I had to match Char and found a Flamingo Romper for me online at Target!

Char's adorable Flamingo Romper by Bitty Bundles of Joy on Etsy

Happy Birthday to our big 2 year old!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Charlotte: 2 Years

I cannot believe our little girl is turning "2" today! I remember the day that she was born like it was yesterday, even though it was actually 731 days ago (yes, I counted the leap day Kyle)! I can't believe she has been a part of our lives for THAT long! She truly is a blessing and 99.9% of the time the sweetest girl ever! If I had to sum Charlotte up in a couple of words I would describe her as determined, loving, fiesty and compassionate (maybe a little sassy too). Just today at the doctor's office, she said, "How are you?" to the nurse. How sweet is that? She also says, "Good Morning" to the cars and trucks on the road and wants to hug them! She is such a sweet and loving girl! Here are some photos I snapped of her this morning to commemorate her turning 2! Another post on her Flamingo birthday party soon! 

She loved getting her "check up" and was such a good patient!

Birthday Lunch at Chicken Salad Chick!

Weight: 30lbs 6.4oz (90%) (she stood on the scale today! No more baby scale)
Height: 34 3/4 inches (80%)
Diaper Size:  Size 6!!!!
Clothing Size: Big girl in a 3T

Eye Color: The prettiest blue eyes ever!
Favorite Toy:  A baby doll, blanket and stroller are never far away from this little monkey. She is such a good momma to her dolls and loves to swaddle them and give them pacis. 
Hair: We hit a milestone! Just last week, I was finally able to do a top knot in her hair!! It was a very proud mom moment! Her hair is so curly and has the prettiest little highlights. She is slowly getting blonder and blonder. 
Teeth:  She has 15 pearly whites!!
Sleeping Habits: With summer time and us frequenting the playground most nights, her bedtime has been pushed back. I aim for a 7pm bedtime but sometimes it gets closer to 8pm. She wakes up around 7am and usually just starts talking or singing! Once awake she is ready to get the day started! She is very excited to go in the car, now that she is in her "big girl car seat". She still takes a great nap from about 1pp-3/4pm
Milestones: She is now forward facing in the car! We had a little accident (projectile vomiting) in the carseat, so after taking it apart and washing it, we decided to go ahead and turn her around last month. She absolutely loves it! Potty training has digressed a bit. She can feel that she needs to go to the bathroom, but she won't sit on the potty to go. I'm trying not to force, but I really think she is ready! Next week she starts her transition to her 2 year old classroom. It is so bittersweet. She really is growing up so fast! 
Words: I told the doctor today that she literally can say 300 words! She has an amazing vocabulary. Kyle chimed in saying that was a little optimistic and it is probably more like 100, but I am a proud momma! She is learning so much and copying all the things we say. I love the way she says "elffant" for elephant and "Go Gators". She definitely over pronounces things which is so cute! She puts 3-4 words together for statements and questions. Some times it is hard to understand what she is saying, but most of the time I know exactly what she is saying or what she wants me to do!

Looking forward to: a few more trips to round out the year, Football season and of course Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Adventures this Month: Since her 18 month update, we visited Canada for a trip with my family and we also went to Jekyll Island with Kyle's family. We went with some friends to their beach house in St. Augustine and that was lots of fun, too! Charlotte also loves our trips to the beach, Target, the Jacksonville Zoo, and our community pool and playground. She is so happy when we are out and about. Just recently she started saying "turn around" when we pull into the neighborhood. She isn't ready to come home yet, she wants to keep exploring! 

We don't go back to the doctor for a well-check until she turns 3! Another update to come at 2 1/2 years!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chicken Parmesan Bake

Am I the only one that struggles with meal planning? Seriously, it can be so challenging to make the husband happy, the child happy and then myself happy! I had been wanting to try a recipe of stuffed peppers that a friend shared on Facebook, but I was quickly informed by the Mr. that stuffed peppers wouldn't be enough for him for dinner. So, I immediately racked my recipe file (uhhum brain) to try and come up with a dinner idea. Then I remembered today is Chicken Day at Fresh Market! I'm sharing this because SO many of you do not know about it! $2.99/lb hormone/antibiotic-free chicken breasts every Tuesday! How can you beat that and who doesn't LOVE going to Fresh Market!? I was super good today and bought my chicken and a pack of mozzarella cheese! That's it! Normally my cart has a few bottles of wine and of course some flowers, but today I was in a hurry, so no time for extra items!

Ok, so onto the recipe. I found this one on Pinterest and tweaked it a bit. This is a perfect and quick go-to meal AND toddler-approved. I've made this for new mom meals too! I quickly came home from Fresh Market and threw my chicken breasts in the crock pot with chicken broth on low and headed out for a showing. This recipe is seriously so easy.

Chicken Parmesan Bake

- 2-3 lbs cooked and shredded/diced chicken (I use my crockpot, but you could grill or bake, too)
- Large jar spaghetti sauce or tomato sauce 
- 2 cups (1 package) mozzarella cheese (you can also mix with shredded parmesan too) 
- 1 cup Italian breadcrumbs
- 1 tbsp olive oil 

1. Shred your cooked chicken and set aside. (I couldn't live without my Pampered Chef Salad Choppers to do the job right) 
2. Spray a 13x9 baking dish with cooking spray.
3. Layer the shredded chicken on the bottom of the dish.
4. Layer the spaghetti sauce on top.
5. Sprinkle the cheese on top of that. 
6. In a separate bowl, mix 1 cup of Italian breadcrumbs with 1 tbsp of olive oil. 
7. Sprinkle on top of cheese. 
8. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 25-30 minutes.
9. Serve with a salad, bread, pasta or by itself!


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Can I Please Press Pause?!

Well, it's been several months since I have posted and that makes me sad. I love my blog because it documents our life. When I am feeling nostalgic, I'll look back at old posts. I'll remember when I was pregnant or when I blogged about Charlotte's birth story and it brings me back to that moment and I literally get to re-live it. My blog is like my life documentary! But, I've busy with life- being a mom to Charlotte and wife to Kyle, working as a real estate agent, traveling almost every weekend and I've been blogging over at Jacksonville Moms Blog. So, I've neglected The Chance Clan and I'm so sad about that.

Photo: Meredith Black Photography
I recently just filled out a questionnaire for a photographer that we will be taking photos with next month and her questions brought about so many emotions. One of them being, "what do you want to remember about this moment of your life?". Wow, such a deep question. I realize that 6 months from now, life will be totally different and Charlotte will be in the next stage of toddlerhood and who knows what she will (or won't) be doing. So, for now, I want to remember the things that make me smile, the things I don't ever want to forget and the things she may never do again, come tomorrow.
  • -The way she says "sit dowwwnn" when she wants us to read to her or wants us to watch her play.
  • -The fact that she will FINALLY sit down for 10 minutes and actually watch a movie or show. Frozen or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I know most kids won't let their parents turn the TV off, but it is nice to be able to sit and snuggle and watch a movie! 
  • -The excitement she gets from singing "Happy Birthday". It literally is her favorite song. 
  • -Her "surprise/ohhh" face. Quite possibly the best thing ever and so cute! All we have to do is say, "Charlotte do you want a surprise?!" 
  • -When she says, "I missed you Mommy/Daddy!" after one of us has been gone or just came home. 
  • -When she talks to Macey or her wooden Gator toy and says, "Come on, Mace/ Come on, Gator" 
  • -The way she "lines up at the door" when it is time to go to school. 
  • -The fact that she eats broccoli with no objection and actually asks for it! 
  • -The fact that she has to be wearing a bracelet at all times and if it is from mommy's jewelry box that makes it even better. 
  • -The snuggles I *still get* at bedtime. (I told Kyle tonight, how much longer do you think she will do this?) 
  • -When she puts her hands together for prayers at night and says, "Amen". 
  • -The love she has for her cousins, grandparents and aunt and uncle. So sweet! 
  • -How she says the names of her teachers and classmates at school. "Diannna, Jooosieee, Ryan, Ira, Paisley, Leighton."
  • -The fact that we can drive by something and she knows where we are going (to school or the pool) 
  • -How she loves her baby dolls, pats their back, swaddles them in a blanket and "shh"s them to sleep.
  • -The fact that she always responds to my "I love yous" with a louder and better version. And now, even says, "I love you more" 
I feel like I will be editing this post forever, because the list is seriously never-ending. There are so many things that I want to remember and I wish I could "please press pause" to make this sweet, sweet time of her life never end. In less than a month, Charlotte will turn 2. It's so surreal, but I'm so proud of the sweet little girl she has become. I know with each age there will be good and bad, but right now I want to savor these sweet moments.

Charlotte Hazel: 22 months- Tremblant, Canada

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Charlotte: 18 Months

And just like that, we have a full-blown toddler. The past year and a half has gone by so quickly. I can't believe Charlotte has been here with us for that long. She brings joy to our lives every day and sometimes I just can't comprehend how blessed we are to have her. She can be the sweetest child with the best kisses and "I wuv yous" and then just ever so often she has an off day where I think she is a little possessed! But, those are few and far between! We love you so much, Charlotte Hazel!

My big girl at her 18 month checkup! She got an A++ on her good behavior! 
Visiting Charleston 
Exploring the beach and oh so happy!
She's a daredevil for sure! 
Celebrating Daddy's 30th Birthday 
Check out my luscious curls! :)

28 lbs  (94%)
Height: 34 inches (93%)
Diaper Size:  Size 6!!!!
Clothing Size: 2T and even some of those run tight! 

Eye Color: Blue!!
Favorite Toy:  She got a kitchen for Christmas and we finally put it together. She definitely stays busy playing with that. You also won't see her walking around the house without her Bitty Baby tucked underneath her arm! 
Hair: Oh her hair. She really has the cutest hair and the best little curls, just not much on the top of her head. We are still using headbands with bows. I can't wait for the day I can CLIP a bow into her hair! 
Teeth: If my counting is correct, she has 12 teeth that have popped through! 
Sleeping Habits: She is still loving her sleep! Typically night is 6:30/7:00pm-7:30am. She takes 1 nap a day now. Typically, 1.5-3 hours depending on whether she is at school or at home. 
Milestones: She went pee-pee on the potty, goes down the slide on her own, can say sentences and multiple words together, knows most of her body parts, can sing "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Let it Go" and "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed", she folds her hands together for prayers and says "Amen" (the sweetest). I could go on and on! :) 
Words: She has 50+ words in her vocabulary now, but like any toddler, her favorite one is "No"! Along with "Eeew" for diapers or any piece of tissue, paper towel, etc. Our favorite word is when she says, "Not Nice" and bats her hand. They do this at school when another child has done something mean or bad. Instead of acting with their hands or hitting, they say, "Not Nice". It is just super cute how she says it! 

Looking forward to: visiting cousins in Miami, Gaga's 60th Birthday in Savannah and spending the weekend with Papa and Grammy while Mommy and Daddy go to a wedding in March! 
Adventures this Month: We visited Charleston for vacation, celebrated daddy's 30th birthday and we have been to the beach several times this month and Charlotte has fallen in love. The weather is super nice (and cool, too)! We have also ventured to the Jacksonville Zoo several time and enjoy spending mornings there! 

We will see you again at our 2 year check up! BIG TEARS..... ;( 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Zucchini Spaghetti and Shipt

Zucchini Spaghetti is one of our new go-to meals! I got this tool at a Pampered Chef party a couple of months ago and we finally broke it out to try a few weeks ago! The recipe is super easy and probably takes less time than boiling water for noodles.  We also like the sautéed veggie noodles as a side for steak or chicken. Even little Charlotte enjoyed a couple of bites! 

If you haven't heard of it yet, you should also check out Shipt! It is a new grocery delivery service and is super helpful, especially on Sundays when you want to relax and enjoy the day! While I was putting C down for her nap, I "shopped" for items in the app. All of the items are from Publix and you can take advantage of sale items and BOGO items, too. I haven't done a true price comparison, but from my research there is about a 5-10% markup on items. You also pay a monthly subscription fee of $14/month. All orders over $35 have free delivery, which is really easy to achieve! On each item you add to your cart, you can add a note, like large onion or green bananas. If they have a questions on an item, they will call or text to clarify! So far, we have been really happy with the service! Sign up for Shipt here and receive a $10 credit for signing up! I plan on doing a more thorough review in the future! Stay tuned! 

Zucchini Spaghetti
  • 8 medium sized zucchini 
  • 1.5 lbs ground turkey
  • minced garlic 
  • 2 jars spaghetti sauce 
  • 1 can tomato paste 
  • coconut oil 
  • salt and pepper 
- Brown turkey with minced garlic 
- Once cooked, add in sauce and paste and simmer 
-Slice zucchini into small strips or use the Pampered Chef Veggie Strip Maker
-Add 1 tsp. coconut oil to pan
-Add sliced zucchini strips and add salt and pepper 
-Saute for 8-10 minutes until desired softness. 
-Drain excess water 
-Top with sauce and enjoy

                                                        Toddler approved!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

5 Minute Valentines

Well, I cannot believe it, but Charlotte is old enough to finally exchange Valentines! These were kind of an after thought as I was out shopping on Monday for a blessing bag event that I did with some girlfriends and realized I didn't have a plan for Valentines. I was at the Dollar Store and decided I could grab some quick items while I shopped for the bag items! Charlotte has 9 other children in her class and 3 teachers, so that made it pretty easy to shop for. I added some Pampered Chef Prep Cups and a Starbucks gift card to make the Teacher Valentines a little more special! 

I was able to get the cellophane bags, raffia, animal crackers, smarties and lollipops all at the Dollar Store! What a deal! Then, this is the part that literally took me "5 minutes". I literally packed up Kyle and Charlotte in the car and sent on them on their way to work and school and had these labels printed, cut and ready to go on the bags before my 9:15 yoga class! Talk about success! 

I use My Avery to make all of my Christmas card labels, but you can also just print directly onto paper to make tags! And, if you don't have a  Fiskers Round 'n Round Squeeze Punch, add it to your Amazon cart right now! I use it all the time for cutting circles and it was the best $16 I've spent for crafting. You can make tags, cupcake toppers, you name it! 

My supplies for the Valentines! So easy!

You may want to trim the excess paper or use a paper cutter to getter a closer cut on the tags. 

So cute!
Ready to hand out to all of her friends!

Charlotte gave her Valentines out today as we have decided to have a fun morning at the Zoo tomorrow! Happy Valentine's Day from our clan to yours! 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Quinoa & Turkey Taco Bake

Lately I have been on a crock pot kick, but this week I came up short for meal planning, so I decided to turn to the ever so faithful Pinterest for some inspiration. Kyle had a craving for corned beef and cabbage, but to his dismay, the recipe took over 8 hours to cook and we just didn't have that kind of time, so it was a Quinoa & Turkey Taco Bake!

This recipe was a little more involved only because there were a few steps, but so easy and really delicious. I always put my own spin on recipes that I find or improvise with what I have in the pantry. Not only would this be a great potluck meal, it is also great for lunches during the week. The best part?  It is remotely healthy! We loosely follow the 21 day fix meal plan (with the addition of Oreo thins and wine) and I am happy to report this is 21 day fix approved, as well as husband and toddler approved! Yay!

Quinoa & Turkey Taco Bake

  • 1 lb. lean ground turkey
  • 1 cup quinoa (uncooked) 
  • 4 oz. tomato sauce 
  • 1 1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese 
  • 2.5 tbsp. chili powder
  • 2.5 tsp. cumin 
  • 3 garlic cloves (minced) 
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion 
  • 4 oz. petite diced tomatoes (canned)
  • 1/2 chopped jalapeno 
  • greek yogurt and chopped green onion 
-Prepare 1 cup quinoa as directed on package and set aside 
-Brown turkey with garlic and then add cumin, chili powder, jalapeño and diced tomato
-Add cooked quinoa, tomato sauce and 1/3 cup cheddar cheese 
-Stir well and transfer to a greased baking dish 
-Top with remaining cheese (1 cup) 
-Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. 
-Top with greek yogurt and green onions. 


Monday, January 4, 2016

Patience is a Virtue

We've hit the age or stage (I guess you could call it) of toddler chaos. Where everything is "Nooo" and the only time we are happy is if we are running around and climbing the furniture and pretty much trying to give mommy and daddy a heart attack. I knew it was coming, but of course just like any other mom, I thought, my baby won't do those things! She would be perfect! Don't get me wrong, she is perfect and I love her more than words, but boy some days are down right challenging. Being a parent is hard. Being a mom is even harder. Patience is the hardest!

How could I ever be upset with this sweet face?
We spent lots of time traveling during the holidays and I find it ironic, because others will ask, "How was your vacation?" or "Enjoy your vacation!". I smile politely and nod my head, but deep down inside I want to say, "Are you crazy?!!?" Traveling with an almost 2 year old isn't vacation, it's well....interesting. The best way to describe it is that you are basically doing your "mom job" in a foreign place without your tools, toys, tricks, etc. which immediately makes it more complicated. You are also trying to "baby proof" a new location and make sure they don't fall down the stairs and break their neck! It's stressful, but we have to do it! We love seeing our family and that is what comes with the territory.  And then, a couple of days later it is time to come home and get re-organized, do laundry and get ready for the week ahead. I'm tired just thinking about it!  I'm still trying to devise a plan that will make packing, traveling and unpacking a little more easy. Maybe a personal assistant? Yea right.

Then, you throw an independent, exploring toddler into the mix and that really makes things interesting! Charlotte likes to push the envelope and test our limits, sometimes I really think she should have been a boy. She's tough and rambunctious and can't sit still, not even to watch a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves to explore through my makeup bag and pull everything out of my cabinets. She takes every book off the shelf as soon as I get them picked up and onto the shelf. And, I get frustrated. Frustrated that things are a mess, not organized, not the way I want them. But then she is sweet, just the sweetest! She hugs me and kisses me and pats my face. She looks at me and I know that I am her world. She pats my back to help me "go to sleep" and watches me in awe when I do my hair or put on makeup. And then the guilt sets in. How could I get upset with a little human being that is so sweet and kissing me, but 5 minutes prior was throwing herself on the floor because I took away the chap stick! I think, gosh, I am a horrible mother! She always redeems herself or maybe I finally relax the closer it gets to bedtime because I know I will get to sit in peace and quiet for more than 5 minutes straight once she is tucked in bed. If you are a mom, you know bedtime is an exciting time, especially if your child sleeps through the night.
Redeeming bedtime snuggles and smiles!

I've shared all this to say... We are human, it is ok to be frustrated, it is ok to have bad days (there will be bad days and there will be awesome days), parenting is hard, being a mom is hard, raising a toddler is interesting and trying and you will question yourself (I know I do). This year, I will continue to pray for patience in my life. With Charlotte, with my husband, with friends and with my clients!! It is one of the hardest things, but so so important! Meanwhile, I'm taking any and all tips to make it through toddlerhood with a strong-willed child! :)