Well, it's been several months since I have posted and that makes me sad. I love my blog because it documents our life. When I am feeling nostalgic, I'll look back at old posts. I'll remember when I was pregnant or when I blogged about Charlotte's birth story and it brings me back to that moment and I literally get to re-live it. My blog is like my life documentary! But, I've busy with life- being a mom to Charlotte and wife to Kyle, working as a real estate agent, traveling almost every weekend and I've been blogging over at
Jacksonville Moms Blog. So, I've neglected The Chance Clan and I'm so sad about that.
I recently just filled out a questionnaire for a photographer that we will be taking photos with next month and her questions brought about so many emotions. One of them being, "what do you want to remember about this moment of your life?". Wow, such a deep question. I realize that 6 months from now, life will be totally different and Charlotte will be in the next stage of toddlerhood and who knows what she will (or won't) be doing. So, for now, I want to remember the things that make me smile, the things I don't ever want to forget and the things she may never do again, come tomorrow.
- -The way she says "sit dowwwnn" when she wants us to read to her or wants us to watch her play.
- -The fact that she will FINALLY sit down for 10 minutes and actually watch a movie or show. Frozen or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I know most kids won't let their parents turn the TV off, but it is nice to be able to sit and snuggle and watch a movie!
- -The excitement she gets from singing "Happy Birthday". It literally is her favorite song.
- -Her "surprise/ohhh" face. Quite possibly the best thing ever and so cute! All we have to do is say, "Charlotte do you want a surprise?!"
- -When she says, "I missed you Mommy/Daddy!" after one of us has been gone or just came home.
- -When she talks to Macey or her wooden Gator toy and says, "Come on, Mace/ Come on, Gator"
- -The way she "lines up at the door" when it is time to go to school.
- -The fact that she eats broccoli with no objection and actually asks for it!
- -The fact that she has to be wearing a bracelet at all times and if it is from mommy's jewelry box that makes it even better.
- -The snuggles I *still get* at bedtime. (I told Kyle tonight, how much longer do you think she will do this?)
- -When she puts her hands together for prayers at night and says, "Amen".
- -The love she has for her cousins, grandparents and aunt and uncle. So sweet!
- -How she says the names of her teachers and classmates at school. "Diannna, Jooosieee, Ryan, Ira, Paisley, Leighton."
- -The fact that we can drive by something and she knows where we are going (to school or the pool)
- -How she loves her baby dolls, pats their back, swaddles them in a blanket and "shh"s them to sleep.
- -The fact that she always responds to my "I love yous" with a louder and better version. And now, even says, "I love you more"
I feel like I will be editing this post forever, because the list is seriously never-ending. There are so many things that I want to remember and I wish I could "please press pause" to make this sweet, sweet time of her life never end. In less than a month, Charlotte will turn 2. It's so surreal, but I'm so proud of the sweet little girl she has become. I know with each age there will be good and bad, but right now I want to savor these sweet moments.
Charlotte Hazel: 22 months- Tremblant, Canada |
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