As you know, Kyle arrived home from deployment on October 23 and less than a month later, I saw that little pink line! I was definitely surprised as I am a nervous, stress case and thought I will never get pregnant because I am so crazy and can't relax! The movers came to our house on November 12 to begin the pack out process. We were leaving to head to Charleston, SC on November 14 on the way to Kyle's training in Virginia Beach. Our house was completely empty and ready for our tenants to move in. I had a feeling (and had some pregnancy tests) so I took one and the line was very, very faint! Kyle didn't believe it, so we drove up the street to get a early result test and sure enough I was 3 weeks, 6 days pregnant!
Well, we arrived in Hawaii around 1:30pm on Monday and this week has been such a whirlwind and rollercoaster! We have been living out of suitcases for 2 months, so I am quite ready to settle and start nesting as they say happens in the 2nd trimester!
Leaving Orlando with our bags, Macey Jane and Baby C in tow!
Arrived on the island! Kyle's sponsor met us at the airport with beautiful leis!
The view from our hotel in Kaneohe, The Paradise Bay Resort
Sunrise at Kailua Beach
We are trying to have some fun today and we are going on a snorkeling excursion! After that we have two showings for homes. So our are fingers are crossed that something will work out. The Navy will pay for our hotel for 60 days, so that is a little reassuring!
I'm looking forward to documenting my pregnancy by doing weekly "bumpdates"! :) I hope you will follow along on our journey to parenthood and raising our "keiki"!

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