Look at those teeth |
Our sweet Hux was 18 MONTHS last week. We don't know where the last year and a half went, but we are loving all of our time with our little guy. He is so special to our family and we love watching the bond he has with Charlotte. He gives her the best kisses.
I didn't know what a Momma's Boy truly was til I had Hux. To say he is obsessed with me is an understatement. He rarely isn't attached to my hip and is always saying, "Maammaaa, Maamma". The moments are sometimes frustrating, but I know I will miss it when he doesn't want me as much.
We had his 18 month check up with his new pediatrician and he did great! I hadn't mentioned it much before, but Huxie has been in the 2% percentile for height for most of his life. We had blood work done to rule out any issues and I guess he is just a late bloomer, because he grew ALOT since his 15 month appt. and is now 27% percentile for height!
People mostly say that Huxie and Charlotte are Kyle's twins, but I think Huxie looks a little like me too.
Allison in '91 (around 18 months) |
Kyle in '87 (closer to 15 months) |
Weight: 24lbs 15oz. (62%)
Height: 31.75 inches (27%)
Head: 50.5 inches (99%)
Weight: 24lbs. 15 oz.
Diaper Size: size 5
Teeth: His bottom two teeth have been in for a while now and he has about six other teeth that are working their way in. His top two front teeth just broke through. He has been teething HARD!
Favorite Toy: A PJ Mask scooter that I got for FREE at MOPS Swap earlier this year. By far their favorite thing to ride around the house and act crazy!
Looking forward to: Taking him to his first Gator game!
Clothing Size: 18-24 months/ 2T
Nickname: Huxie, Huxie Boy, Buddy
Sleeping Habits: 99% of the time he does really good. Both of my kids love to wake up early most days.
Adventures this Month: Getting settled in our new house.
Visitors: Papa, Gaga and Ashley and Kate have come to see our new house and our friends the Crowells visited last weekend.
Milestones: Running everywhere, saying SO many words (including "ohh no", "cheese", "nigh nigh" and he knows all of his animal sounds, he still loves to sign for "more" and "please" (and it is the cutest thing ever when he does it)

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