With daylight savings time it has become incredibly challenging to find a time in the evening when it is still light enough to take a photo of Hux for his monthly picture. It is pitch black at 5pm. I finally was able to snap a few photos on December 7th, making this his 9.75 month post.
Weight: We go on Monday for his 9 month appt. and shots. I'm guessing he is around 20lbs.
Diaper Size: size 4 now and a Luvs baby! More on that later. Teeth: You guys, still no teeth. What is going on?! Favorite Toy: Anything that makes noise and this little play water bottle from Charlotte's kitchen. I think the ridges feel good on his teeth. Looking forward to: His first Christmas!Clothing Size: 9 months and 12 months!Nickname: Huxie is the most commonly used. Sleeping Habits: He has definitely forgotten how to sleep through the night. We are surving, but boy do I miss the 7p-7a nights! Adventures this Month: Gaga is visiting and we have several trips during daddy's winter break!Visitors: Gaga is here! Milestones: He has grown up so much in the last month. He has quite the personality and has learned to clap and loves to smile and make us laugh. He still loves Charlotte oh so much and we are so blessed to have him as part of our family!

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