Sweet boy! Love his baby blues! |
Hux has changed so much in the last month. He is eating a ton and really prefers pick ups and little pieces of food over baby food. He loves to be held and just to look around and see everything that is going on. He recently started HATING his carseat and throws a tantrum whenever I put him in, unless I majorly distract him with a toy.
He had so much fun with his cousins and grandparents and loved splashing around in the pool and soaking up the Florida sun. We were definitely HOT though. It's amazing how you forget how hot it is in Florida!
Charlotte's Update at 8 Months
Weight: 17lbs 13oz. (Only up a bit since we have been battling sickness)
Diaper Size: size 3!
Teeth: No teeth! I seriously can't believe. I will say his gums are pretty hard though... He bit me with his gums and it didn't feel good!
Favorite Toy: Aunt Shannon brought him a little video game remote and he loves that. Honestly anything that makes nose. He loves to be on the go and on my hip. It's his favorite place!
Looking forward to: staying home and getting back on a routine! We have a fun family costume planned for Halloween, but the next couple of weeks will be low key for sure! We all need it!
Clothing Size: Anything from 6-12 months.
Nickname: Huxie, Huxie Boy, Mr. Monkey
Sleeping Habits: He was sleeping 7p-7a before our trip, then the sickness hit and things have been a little rough. Slowly get back on our routine.
Adventures this Month: We traveled to Florida to see Aunt Ashley's new house and also go to Aunt Courtney's wedding. Mommy and Daddy both solo-parented and we survived!
Visitors: Aunt Shannon visited us and Papa comes next week
Milestones: So many amazing things happening this month, including saying "Dada" and "Ma", full on crawling and really developing a personality. He is the sweetest little babe, but he knows what he likes and if he doesn't get it, he lets you know.