Cutie! |
Poor Guy! She definitely is rough with him, but he loves it! |
This picture is too funny! Happy 7 Months, Hux! |
Weight: 17lbs 8 oz. (the same as Charlotte at 7 months)
Diaper Size: size 3!Clothing Size: He is really fitting well into his 6-9 month clothing! Boy clothes aren't as cute as girlNickname: Huxie is the most common one.Sleeping Habits: It is crazy how similar he is to his sister. If you read her 7 month update, Kyle went out of town and she started sleeping. Well, Kyle is out of town and he has been sleeping. I don't want to talk about it for fear of cursing it. But fingers crossed this sticks!Adventures this Month: Kyle was super Dad and cared for both kids while I was away for 4 nights! Hux went to his first play, the Little Mermaid, and had a blast!
Visitors: No visitors this month!
Milestones: Rolling, scooting, sitting up without assistance, shaking his head when we ask him to. He loves to eat at daycare, but HATES when I try to feed him food. He literally purses his lips together and will not eat!
Teeth: Still no teeth! His pediatrician couldn't feel anything at his last appointment either, but he is drooling up a storm!
Favorite Toy: anything that shakes or makes noises!
Looking forward to: going to Florida next month to spend time with my sister and see her new home and also go to Aunt Courtney's wedding!