She loves him! |
We are on vacation and I am already late posting Hux's 4 month update! So I wanted to hop on and document 4 months! He is growing so quickly and is such a happy boy. Here is Char's 4 month update! Do you think they look alike?!
Weight: I weighed him the other day on our scale and he was 15 lbs!
Diaper Size: upgraded to size 3!
Clothing Size: All NB have been packed away and 3 month outfits are getting tight. We wear mostly 3 or 6 month outfits now.
Nickname: Huxie is sticking. We also call him "Buddy".
Sleeping Habits: Sleep is meh, but I'm not complaining too much. I'm enjoying the sweet snuggles. With lots of trips on our horizon in the coming month, I have delayed sleep training for now.
Adventures this Month: We went on our first trip as a family of four to Paso Robles. We also celebrated Mommy's 30th birthday!
Visitors: No visitors this month, but looking forward to some next month.
Milestones: Still so close to rolling over, but hasn't yet. He gets to his side so far. He had his first plane ride, too!
Favorite Toy: He is starting to play with his rattles and is able to grab things, is enjoying tummy time and of course his playmat, too!
Looking forward to: Big Sister's 4th Birthday next month and his 4 month checkup is scheduled for July.

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