We celebrated Memorial Day with the Chance's in Jacksonville! It was a bittersweet time as we knew we only had a few more days with Kyle! We ate some delicious meals, went bowling and laid out by the pool! :)
Fast forward to my birthday in June and also deployment time for Kyle! :( He has now been gone a month and we miss him dearly! However, Macey Jane and I have stayed busy with our adventures!
We went to Tampa to visit my friend Liz and her boyfriend, Sam. We had a great time at the Keith Urban concert and at my favorite brunch place, Oystercatchers! Delicious! :)
The following weekend it was off to Miami to visit my sister and Bob! My mom and I headed down on Friday afternoon and we relaxed! We washed cars, got mani/pedis, went in the pool, watched Ashley sing at church, went furniture shopping and all in all had a great time! :)
Then, it was off to Blowing Rock, NC to visit my "grandparents" (they are actually Kyle's, but we've adopted each other!) It was heavenly! The weather was beautiful and cool! I slept in every morning until at least 9 and then had my morning cup of coffee relaxed and watching the Casey Anthony trial! Grandma Chance and I made a trip to Hickory to look at furniture and that was a blast! We ate some really good meals and also had the chance to see the movie, Larry Crowne! It was really cute!

So, I am writing you now because I finally had a weekend at home! And let me say, it was good to be home! I cleaned, did laundry and organized (three of my favorite things)! I am trying to get rid of all the things we don't need so that when we move we don't have to take it with us! I also ventured to the outlets to get my watched cleaned and to do a little shopping! It was crowded, but fun! Our church installed its new pastors today and it was good to be a part of that service! All in all, Macey and I just love our cuddle time sitting in Kyle's chair watching TV! We miss him so much, but we are so proud of all of his achievements overseas!
I hope you all have a great week!

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