Sweet boy! |
Hux was very happy to have Charlotte come back home from Florida. He truly looks up to her and really loves her. He has a special smile and laugh just for Charlotte! Here is Char at 6 months!
Their love for each other is so special! |
Weight: 17lbs 6oz.
Diaper Size: size 3!
Clothing Size: 3 - 6 months. I'm so sad to be packing stuff away. He still fits in a few 3 month PJs, but they are tight. I just bought him some new PJs this weekend. The zipper style is my favorite.
Nickname: Huxie, buddy
Sleeping Habits: In the last month, he slept one night in his crib (THE ENTIRE NIGHT) Since then we haven't been so lucky!
Adventures this Month: This month flew by and honestly we didn't do much. No weekend trips, just stayed at home. We did some house projects while Charlotte was in Florida for 2 weeks and Huxie just watched! :) Visitors: Papa visited for Charlotte's birthday and Gaga and Doug visited last week!
Milestones: Rolling around and babbling like crazy. We are trying to teach him "Mama" and "Dada" But right now, he just says, "Baba". Continuing to eat solids, but not really loving them when mommy feeds him. Still nursing like a champ!
Teeth: He is teething and drooling like crazy and I know his bottom teeth will pop through soon, but nothing yet! :)
Favorite Toy: Teething toy and his new O'ball bouncer.
Looking forward to: trying more foods and learning to sleep better! :)