We've hit the age or stage (I guess you could call it) of toddler chaos. Where everything is "Nooo" and the only time we are happy is if we are running around and climbing the furniture and pretty much trying to give mommy and daddy a heart attack. I knew it was coming, but of course just like any other mom, I thought, my baby won't do those things! She would be perfect! Don't get me wrong, she is perfect and I love her more than words, but boy some days are down right challenging. Being a parent is hard. Being a mom is even harder. Patience is the hardest!
How could I ever be upset with this sweet face? |
We spent lots of time traveling during the holidays and I find it ironic, because others will ask, "How was your vacation?" or "Enjoy your vacation!". I smile politely and nod my head, but deep down inside I want to say, "Are you crazy?!!?" Traveling with an almost 2 year old isn't vacation, it's well....interesting. The best way to describe it is that you are basically doing your "mom job" in a foreign place without your tools, toys, tricks, etc. which immediately makes it more complicated. You are also trying to "baby proof" a new location and make sure they don't fall down the stairs and break their neck! It's stressful, but we have to do it! We love seeing our family and that is what comes with the territory. And then, a couple of days later it is time to come home and get re-organized, do laundry and get ready for the week ahead. I'm tired just thinking about it! I'm still trying to devise a plan that will make packing, traveling and unpacking a little more easy. Maybe a personal assistant? Yea right.
Then, you throw an independent, exploring toddler into the mix and that really makes things interesting! Charlotte likes to push the envelope and test our limits, sometimes I really think she should have been a boy. She's tough and rambunctious and can't sit still, not even to watch a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves to explore through my makeup bag and pull everything out of my cabinets. She takes every book off the shelf as soon as I get them picked up and onto the shelf. And, I get frustrated. Frustrated that things are a mess, not organized, not the way I want them. But then she is sweet, just the sweetest! She hugs me and kisses me and pats my face. She looks at me and I know that I am her world. She pats my back to help me "go to sleep" and watches me in awe when I do my hair or put on makeup. And then the guilt sets in. How could I get upset with a little human being that is so sweet and kissing me, but 5 minutes prior was throwing herself on the floor because I took away the chap stick! I think, gosh, I am a horrible mother! She always redeems herself or maybe I finally relax the closer it gets to bedtime because I know I will get to sit in peace and quiet for more than 5 minutes straight once she is tucked in bed. If you are a mom, you know bedtime is an exciting time, especially if your child sleeps through the night.
Redeeming bedtime snuggles and smiles! |
I've shared all this to say... We are human, it is ok to be frustrated, it is ok to have bad days (there will be bad days and there will be awesome days), parenting is hard, being a mom is hard, raising a toddler is interesting and trying and you will question yourself (I know I do). This year, I will continue to pray for patience in my life. With Charlotte, with my husband, with friends and with my clients!! It is one of the hardest things, but so so important! Meanwhile, I'm taking any and all tips to make it through toddlerhood with a strong-willed child! :)