In the last month, we moved out of our house, lived in a hotel for 10 days and made the trek from Hawaii to Florida ( without Kyle and plus Macey Jane)! Charlotte has embraced it all and taken it like a champ! She hasn't had any hiccups in her sleeping and she has actually slept till 8:30am (she has never done this before)!
We are enjoying our time here in Florida and Charlotte has fallen in love with her cousins and grandparents! Charlotte is such a busy body and loves going places! Staying at home just doesn't appeal to her! She loves cruising around in the stroller at the mall or just on a walk!
Kate and Charlotte- born 6 days apart! This picture perfectly sums up their personalities! |
Facetiming Daddy! |
She loves spaghetti! |
Happy 11 months baby girl! |
"Lion" face! |
I'm over these pictures, Mom! |
Ok, one more! |
Weight: I don't have an accurate weight because we don't have a scale right now!! Will update soon.
Diaper Size: 5s!! :)
Clothing Size: 12 months are done. She is in 18 month clothing! Waaah!
Eye Color: Baby Blue
Adventures this Month: We left Hawaii on June 18. It was bittersweet as we left Daddy behind as he finishes up work, but we are enjoying our time back on the mainland! For the holiday weekend, my mom and I are heading to Savannah! Visitors: I guess I can take this out now that we are back in Florida!
Favorite Toy: I honestly can't name a favorite toy. She loves everything that isn't a toy... Anything she can climb on, pull up on or put in her mouth!
Hair: My Charlotte has curls!! Not sure where she got them from, but they are adorable! Still pretty bald on top!
Teeth: Just 2 on the bottom. We should have new ones any day. She has been teething and pretty fussy.
Sleeping Habits: Sleeping good! Naps are short if we are out and about and she sleeps in the care. She wakes up the minute I put the car in park or open up her door!
Milestones: She still loves to clap and has started waving hi and blowing kisses. If she is in a good mood, she will actually give you a real kiss! She is almost walking! She can stand unassisted for about 30 seconds, but she is nervous to take that first step. She is more apt to move if I dangle a toy in front of her. She is still babbling a lot but not making much sense!
Looking forward to: Savannah this weekend, Daddy arriving in mid July and her 1st birthday!!!
Looking forward to: Savannah this weekend, Daddy arriving in mid July and her 1st birthday!!!