Happy Girl! |
Daddy's Mini-Me |
Kisses for her Prayer Elephant |
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Clappin' those hands! |
Weight: 20lbs. on the dot according to our scale at home.
Diaper Size: 4 or 5s
Clothing Size: 12 month PJs which are super tight, but 18 month clothes fit her too!Eye Color: Blue and so pretty!Adventures this Month: The last month has flown by as we prepare for our move back to Florida. We have been trying to complete our Hawaii bucket list as well! I celebrated my first Mother's Day, which was so great! But then, Kyle and I both got a stomach virus that had us down and out for a couple of days!
Visitors: Our last visitor comes Wednesday!
Favorite Toy: We have this peek-a-boo bear that she was so scared of. We would turn it on and she would crawl over to me and climb up and whimper because she was scared. In the past couple of days, she has decided she now likes it again! Honestly, she loves anything she can put in her mouth and chew on and anything that is not a child's toy, including shoes, the tray on the coffee table, cords, the TV cabinet. I am ordering a corral for my mom's house to contain her!
Hair: Her hair is really getting long in the back, but she is still a baldy on top. I think it will be blonde, but still not sure!
Teeth: Still just 2 little teeth that she loves to brush
Sleeping Habits: She is still a great sleeper, but our mornings keep getting earlier and earlier. It could be the fact that the sun begins to shine around 5:15 here. I plan on getting some black out curtains when we move. Normally she wakes up with a poopy diaper and I've tried my best to give her a bottle and put her back down, but she is ready to go and play! I can handle 6:30, but 5:30 is just too early!
Milestones: Has added "dada", "nana" (for banana), "ba" (for paci or bottle) and "ba" when she sees her blue ball, she also has completely mastered clapping and does it almost all the time, she gives high 5s too! Still not walking, but can walk around the coffee table and move from the coffee table to the couch. She's into everything and really loves playing with things that aren't her toys! She also signs "more".
Looking forward to: savoring our last few moments in Hawaii! I think it will be a very long time until we are back on this side of the world! We have about 2 1/2 weeks left in Hawaii!
Looking forward to: savoring our last few moments in Hawaii! I think it will be a very long time until we are back on this side of the world! We have about 2 1/2 weeks left in Hawaii!