Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hux: 7 Months

Another month FLEW by with sweet Hux! I've seen so many changes in him this month. He can sit up on his own very well now, he's gotten longer and is filling out his 6/9 month PJs and he is really interacting with us. He still smiles the biggest for big sister! Here is Charlotte's 7 month update! 

Poor Guy! She definitely is rough with him, but he loves it!

This picture is too funny! Happy 7 Months, Hux!

Weight: 17lbs 8 oz. (the same as Charlotte at 7 months)
Diaper Size: size 3!Clothing Size: He is really fitting well into his 6-9 month clothing! Boy clothes aren't as cute as girlNickname: Huxie is the most common one.Sleeping Habits:  It is crazy how similar he is to his sister. If you read her 7 month update, Kyle went out of town and she started sleeping. Well, Kyle is out of town and he has been sleeping. I don't want to talk about it for fear of cursing it. But fingers crossed this sticks!Adventures this Month: Kyle was super Dad and cared for both kids while I was away for 4 nights! Hux went to his first play, the Little Mermaid, and had a blast! 
Visitors: No visitors this month!
Milestones:  Rolling, scooting, sitting up without assistance, shaking his head when we ask him to. He loves to eat at daycare, but HATES when I try to feed him food. He literally purses his lips together and will not eat! 
Teeth: Still no teeth! His pediatrician couldn't feel anything at his last appointment either, but he is drooling up a storm!
Favorite Toy: anything that shakes or makes noises! 
Looking forward to: going to Florida next month to spend time with my sister and see her new home and also go to Aunt Courtney's wedding! 

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