
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Bumpdate: 35 Weeks

35 Weeks
I was super sad as we were taking my 35 week photo, because I had major pregnancy brain and totally forgot to buy a honeydew for these pics! Such is life and and I decided we wouldn't be retaking them, so no fruit this week! :( 

Here is my 35 week bumpdate with Charlotte. I think I actually look similar in size. If anything, baby boy looks a little more round and more high. 

At this point, I am tired, uncomfortable and complaining a lot. My rib has been numb since Christmas and my upper back has had a constant pain since then as well. I sometimes get a little relief, but inevitably it always comes back. I also was fighting a cold and sore throat over the weekend. With all of that, I am trying to embrace and enjoy the last few weeks of this pregnancy as I may never be pregnant again! Baby boy is super active and I'm just so excited to see his little face! We have a check up today and then I start my weekly appointments. I did have an ultrasound over the weekend for a training exercise. He definitely looks squished in there! 

Little face with his hand up by his eye.

Profile! Looks like he is kissing or blowing bubbles
How far along? 35 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss:  up 12 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight!
Maternity clothes: Yep, it's been chilly too, so just bundling myself up! 
Stretch marks? Still none and I am shocked because it is SO stretched!
Sleep? Sleep hasn't been great. I know that when I have a dream, I must have gotten a decent stretch of sleep in. I've spent a few nights in the baby's room because I couldn't sleep or Kyle was snoring. All preparing me for baby, right? 
Miss Anything? Wine and being able to touch my toes or bend down to reach things without hurting!
Movement: Constantly moving and kicking! 
Food cravings? Love my sugar and sweets, lol! I am obsessed with Double Bubble gum. It has created a bad habit for Charlotte too, she loves gum like her mommy too, but we try to limit it! Anything making you sick or queasy? Public restrooms! YUCK!
Gender: Boy! 
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks and the other day at the grocery store I literally had to stop walking, my breath was taken away several times by what I think was lightening. I think this baby is coming early, but that is just me!
Belly button in or out? Out!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on and still loose!
Happy or moody most of the time? I'll be happy when I can sit up straight in a chair and not be uncomfortable!  
Worst moment this week:  Just being uncomfortable and not able to do my normal duties. I am pretty much always doing something, so to have to stop and lay down because I am in pain is hard for me to accept. 
Best moment this week: Kyle got back from his trip to Florida for his grandfather's funeral and we were able to spend MLK day together as a family!
Looking forward to: My sweet friends are throwing me a baby shower this weekend! I am very excited and grateful for them! 
Baby info: He's the size of a honeydew melon, weighing in at about 5.5 lbs and his kidneys are fully developed now. 
Labor signs? Nothing official yet!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Baby Boy's Nursery Inspiration

When we found out we were having a boy, it didn't take long for me to decide that I wanted to do a nautical nursery! Although, for a split second I did consider a Florida Gator nursery (but more muted and classier than typical Gator decor), but we ultimately decided on nautical.

Like everything with Baby #2, we have gotten a late start on pretty much everything. I feel like he is coming soon, because in the last couple of days I have gone into a hardcore nesting mode. We traveled an hour north to Hobby Lobby on Monday to buy some decor items an I am really happy on how it is coming together.

Sweet boy's room is the smallest in our house, so it took some creative thinking to maximize the space! We moved Charlotte's daybed into the nursery so we would have one extra spot for sleeping for guests and got her a queen size bed for when visitors come, too. I also think the twin size bed will come in handy when I need to camp out in his room so Kyle can get some sleep for school!

The night we found out we were having a boy, I was already pinning crib and nursery ideas on Pinterest. Of course, the husband didn't understand why we needed a different crib, we already had one from Charlotte's room that was waiting to be used again. Don't get me wrong it is a beautiful crib, but just didn't go with my theme and was too girly. We agreed if I could sell it, that I could get a new one and I did! :)

I ordered the most adorable anchor monogram right after Christmas and once that arrives we will finish hanging everything and I will share photos of his room! It has become one of Charlotte's favorite places in our house. She loves going in "baby brother's room" and she has even mastered climbing up into his crib. Yikes! She also puts her dolls to sleep in there. It's really sweet!

I ordered this monogram in Navy blue from this Etsy shop.
I can't believe he will be arriving in about a month! It seems like forever since we have had a baby! If you have any new baby must-have items, please send them my way!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Babymoon for Baby #2

32 Weeks with Baby Boy
We were so blessed to be able to get away for a babymoon while my mom and sister visited earlier this month. Charlotte didn't miss us one bit and Kyle did a great job of planning our babymoon. I planned most of our babymoon with Charlotte when we went to Kauai, so it was nice to have him do some of the planning for this one. Here is my blog from our Babymoon with Charlotte. Boy, we were busy! This babymoon looked way different, but was super relaxing!

We didn't go far, just about 45 minutes north of Monterey to a small town and resort in San Martin. This area is known for its wineries and vineyards and also, Rosewood CordeValle, where we stayed. This was our first time staying at a Rosewood property and the service was absolutely amazing! From the moment we arrived, they treated us like royalty and it was so special!

Kyle used our American Express Platinum card benefits to book this trip and it was so worth it! I love this card and even better that the annual fee is waived for military! Just for booking with American Express, we received $60 in breakfast credits daily, $100 spa credit or 2 free rounds of golf (we chose the spa credit), free room upgrade and late checkout until 4pm. The best part is that the room rate was the exact same if we booked directly with the resort! If you want a referral link for this card, let me know! It's awesome!

Upon arrival, we got checked in and taken to our room via golf cart. There are no cars allowed by the bungalows, so we would either call for a ride or take a walk depending on how cold it was. When we arrived the sun was shining (a rare occasion here in Monterey) so I immediately put my bathing suit on to get some sun! I actually had tan lines after sitting outside for an hour or so! I can't tell you how excited I was! We were greeted with some Martinelli's Sparkling Cider and chocolate covered strawberries, so I snacked on that while I enjoyed the glorious sun! Our room had a fireplace, which we pretty much had on the entire time! It was perfect and so cozy! The rest of the day we just lounged in the comfy bed and watched some of the New Year's Day football games. We headed down to dinner at the restaurant and of course by about 8:45 I was tired, so it was back to the room to lounge, which was perfect for me! Every night there was a turn down service, chocolates on our pillows and we were spoiled with a Nespresso machine in our room too. I think Kyle had 20 coffees during our stay there!

The next day we had a yummy breakfast in our room and then headed to the gym for a little workout before we went to the spa for massages. It was so nice to relax! We had lunch by the fire pit on the golf course and then decided we would do a 3 mile hike around the resort. I knew it might be challenge, but I thought once we got to the top, it wouldn't be too challenging. 1/4 mile in Kyle was telling me to turn back because I couldn't go very far up the hill without getting out of breath. Of course this motivated me to press on and I am so glad I did! We saw a deer and I did some yoga poses on the yoga deck! I was definitely tired at the end, but glad we did it! The resort also had a heated pool, but we never made it there!

If only this was breakfast every day!

We headed to dinner at Odeum, a mediterranean restaurant in the cute town of Morgan Hill, north of San Martin. We had the most amazing hummus and assorted dips and then shared the Pork Saltimbocca which was amazing! We were so full, we couldn't do dessert, but on our way back to the resort, I had a craving for a milkshake, so we made a quick stop! We seriously didn't do much, but it was so nice to relax!
Quartet of dips at Odeum

Quick stop for a sweet treat!
The next day we woke up to rain which was a huge bummer. We wanted to check out the winery, Clos La Chance, that is on property. We had breakfast again in our room and then headed over there on the golf cart. It was absolutely beautiful. A perfect place for a wedding. Kyle did a wine tasting and we bought some wine for my and sister as a thank you for caring for Charlotte. We made a quick stop at the outlets in Gilroy on our way back and then it was back home and back to reality! Such a great trip and one I will cherish and remember!

The vineyards at Clos la Chance

Next up on the blog a 34 week bump date (maybe 35 if I can't get my pic taken soon) and Baby Boy's Nursery Inspiration and Room!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Bumpdate: 32 Weeks

The holidays were super busy and I missed my 30 week bumpdate! Here is my 32 week bumpdate with Charlotte! 

All looks good with Baby Boy and he is continuing to grow! At our last ultrasound he was head down and now we go to the doctor every 2 weeks. 

How far along? 32 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss:  up 9lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight!
Maternity clothes: Yes! Got some new ones for Christmas too!
Stretch marks? Not yet! But lately I feel like my stomach cannot stretch any further!
Sleep? Some nights I am up on and off all night. If I can get a 4-5 hour stretch without waking up or going to the bathroom, that is a win! 
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back, mobility, working out normally!
Movement: Lots of movement. We had an ultrasound a few weeks back and he is head down! I also know where his butt and feet are!
Food cravings? I'm at the point where it is getting hard to eat and I get full very quickly! Still craving sweets!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Not really, just get full really quickly and then feel uncomfortable and sick to my stomach.
Gender: Boy! 
Symptoms: The Braxton Hicks contractions have started! The other night I had them all through the night. Labor signs? My chiropractor mentioned that my hips have opened since the last time he adjusted me! Yikes!
Belly button in or out? It is mostly out at this point!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on and surprisingly still loose!
Happy or moody most of the time? We just got back from our babymoon, which was a very happy and relaxing time! 
Worst moment this week:  The constant back pain and always having to go to the bathroom!
Best moment this week: Having family in town and going on our babymoon!
Looking forward to: Getting the house back in order after Christmas, finishing the nursery, nesting and preparing for his arrival! 
Baby info: Baby is 3 3/4 lbs and the size of a large jicama. He now has toenails, fingernails and hair (maybe peach fuzz for my bald babies)