Over the past week, I have spent lots of time preparing for Charlotte's 1st birthday. I told myself I wasn't going to "go all out" because we were going to be in transition from Hawaii to Florida, but like usual, I just can't help myself. We are going to have her party on Saturday, but she will officially turn "1" on Sunday. Charlotte and I have had lots of fun crafting and going to Hobby Lobby! There is one right near my mom's house and we have gone almost every day! Oops!
While planning her party, I have also been reminiscing over the past year. This time last year, I was very pregnant and waiting, ever so patiently (NOT), for Charlotte's arrival. After our scare over July 4th weekend with my food poisoning, Charlotte decided to stay put a few more days, but I would torture myself every day wondering if today would be the day. The unknown is enough drive you crazy.
I've spent my quiet time in the evening looking at her first photos, reading her birth story (you can read that
here) and trying to re-create those first few days. It makes me happy that I documented so much of my pregnancy and her birth. I would also be lying if I didn't say I missed being pregnant. When I see pictures of myself pregnant, I don't know how I was ever so big! But I miss the feeling and I miss feeling her kick and roll and carrying her with me everywhere I went. Now, she weighs 21 lbs. and it is a chore just to pick her up.
I look back at the past year and can't believe all that has happened - how much she has grown, changed and the little personality she has developed. If I only knew then what I know now! There are just some things that cannot be taught. You have to experience them to truly learn and understand. Being a mom is the hardest job, but one of the most rewarding too. When I look at Charlotte, I still can't believe that she is mine (well, ours :)! ) She has me wrapped around her sticky little fingers, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
This time of our lives is such a special one and I feel the time being swept away quicker than we can even imagine. I'm excited to celebrate Charlotte's first year of life this weekend and especially happy that Kyle will be back with us to take part in the celebrations!
I miss that belly! |
Maternity Photos!
My last "bump date" |
She's here! |
8 days old! |
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ReplyDeleteYou're a wonderful Momma, Allison, and I think you definitely found the love I tried to explain to you. You really can't understand that love until you have a child of your own. It's a different kind of love. You and Kyle has definitely both experienced that love and I am so happy for you two! Charlotte loves you both so much and it's wonderful to see!! There's not doubt that you all love each other and that's the way it should be. This year has been so exciting for us as grandparents too! Watching you feed her, bathe her, love her, play with her, and teach her has been a joy. She is so sweet, funny, cute, smart, sassy, lovable, snuggable (I made up that word) and just PEFECT the way God made her!! Like the song I sing to her every time I see her says "She's special to me, she's special to me and I can't even tell you how much I love you!!" Happy 1st Birthday, Charlotte Hazel!! You are the love of our lives!!