Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Charlotte: 4 Months

I know I say this every month, but this month has FLOWN by!! Charlotte is changing every day and getting bigger and stronger so quickly!! One morning I was making breakfast and she was on the playmat. The next thing I knew she was on her belly and had used her toys in her play gym to help pull her over! I was so sad I missed her first rolling over, but it was ok, because she has continued to do it again and again! 

Charlotte was a Strawberry for Halloween and we had fun passing out candy to all the children in our neighborhood! 

She loves to be outside and go on walks or runs! She has even taken a ride in the BOB without her car seat! Such a big girl! 

At her 2 month checkup, she was diagnosed with torticollis, which is a tilt of her neck. She has been receiving physical therapy three times a week and has made great improvement! The PTs come to the house and are so great with her! They are both military spouses and are so sweet! I'm so proud of her progress! She is looking so straight and has a great range of motion! 

Having fun by the pool!

So happy!

Weight: 14 lbs. 2 oz., 26.5 inches
Diaper Size: still size 2, size 3 overnight diapers
Clothing Size: 3-6 months
Eye Color: soo Blue!
Sleeping Habits: Sleeping has definitely improved for our little one! She has been going down about an hour after she wakes up for a long nap (1.5-2 hours) if she gets a good nap in the morning, the rest of our day goes well. If she doesn't, we are in trouble and she is fussy. Her afternoon naps are always a little more challenging. Her bedtime routine starts at 6:00 and we do her bath, massage, sleep suit and then nurse. We need to get better about music and reading, but by 6:30 she is so ready to sleep!
Adventures this Month:  The month has flown by! We haven't done too many new things, just our normal routine! Charlotte celebrated her first Halloween and dressed up as a strawberry!  Daddy had a few weekend trips, so it was just us girls for a couple of nights. We missed him, but we managed just fine! We have also made it to the beach a couple of times, which is getting easier and easier as she gets older. 
Visitors: No visitors this month!
Milestones: Grabbing and holding onto to toys, rolling from back to stomach and stomach to back, sitting in her Bumbo, grabbing your face and giving kisses (very slobbery ones), drooling a ton (I think I see the beginnings of a tooth coming through), babbling and talking and repeating our sounds. 
Favorite Toy: Still loving music, rattle, alligator with ribbons and the toy that attaches to her carseat. She is constantly playing with the toys in the car. She has gotten really good at grabbing them!
Looking forward to: her first Thanksgiving and heading to Florida, again, a month from now fro Christmas!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Pumpkin Patch and Halloween

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! Unfortunately in Hawaii, we don't really get seasons or weather change. It is mostly summer year round, but with a few cooler days here and there. While in Florida, the weather was much of the same... HOT and rainy too. We were able to venture to the pumpkin patch in Orlando for a few cute photos of the kids! :) 

My sister got these adorable skeleton PJs for the kids!
Robby 2 1/2, Charlotte and Kate 2 months

We used lots of bribery to get him to take pictures!

My mom picked up these adorable outfits last Halloween right after we found out we were expecting!

No naps meant a fussy Charlotte for picture time!

Go Gators and Happy Halloween! 

Gaga and her girls!

Halloween rolled around really quick this year!! My plan was to have a family costume, but we simply ran out of time! :( The strawberry was a hand me down costume and it worked perfectly! I knew Charlotte wouldn't last long in it because it was pretty hot, but she actually enjoyed wearing it and didn't fuss at all. 

Charlotte as a Strawberry for her 1st Halloween!

Our community has about 50 houses (mostly families with children), so we knew that we would need LOTS of candy!! Trick or treating started at about 6pm and boy were there some cute costumes!! We had a really great first Halloween with Charlotte! Time to start working on next year's costume! 

Halloween in our neighborhood!

Kyle was a nerd (he did the entire costume on his own) 

Happy Halloween Baby Girl!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Charlotte: 3 Months

Wow, the past month has been a whirlwind! A month ago, we were heading to the airport to fly home to Florida! We had a jam-packed 2 weeks in Florida that included meeting friends and family, going to Jacksonville, spending a few days in Miami, going back to Orlando, visiting Sea World and eating at my favorite restaurants! For the most part, the trip was perfect! Charlotte began to protest napping, which had me a little crazy, but I assured myself that it would all get back to normal once we returned home.

Well, we have been home for 2 weeks now and I think her pre-Florida schedule is slowly starting to return. The first few days back were pretty brutal. From about 3 weeks old, Charlotte slept for a good 6 hour stretch, so I never felt that exhausted. I would only "need" a nap about 6 days or so when I was feeling worn down. Less than 48 hours after I returned home, Kyle's aunts and grandmother arrived! I scrambled to get the house ready, as my original flight on Monday was cancelled because of weather in Dallas. Everything came together and we had a nice visit with Kyle's family! They got to spend time with Charlotte and we played tourist a couple of days too!

Last Thursday, we moved Charlotte into her crib, cold turkey! She had been fighting sleeping on her back, but we knew it was time! She has such a beautiful room and we are glad that she is finally starting to use it! :)

The many faces of Charlotte... 

Weight: According to our scale at home, she is 13 lbs!
Diaper Size: Size 2 (and they are getting tight)
Clothing Size: 0-3 month clothes are TIGHT, anywhere from 3-6months is fitting her pretty well!
Eye Color: Pretty and Blue
Sleeping Habits: I don't think I can accurately describe her sleep schedule as she has slept as long as 5 hours to as short as 45 minutes at night. Naps are right around 20-45 minutes (I hope this changes, soon) She takes a little cat nap and feels instantly recharged! Great for her, but not great for this momma and getting things done!
Adventures this Month: Going on her first plane ride, visiting Florida, going to Sea World, seeing her first movie in the theater!
Visitors: her aunts and great grandma
Milestones: Started laughing (so cute), reaching and grabbing toys in her play gym, standing in our laps and taking little steps
Favorite Toy: She loves music and loves it when I sing to her. While in Florida, we visited my nephew's school and I did a presentation on Hawaii. They sang a song that went like this "Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning to you, A day is Beginning There's so Much to Do"! I sing that to her when I go into get her in the morning and she just loves it! She gives me the biggest smile. I need to capture it on video!
Looking forward to: being back home and getting back into our routine and schedule. Halloween is Friday, but we are still trying to nail down her costume! My grand plan for a family costume will have to wait until next year because we simply ran out of time!