Well, the past 2 weeks have been a blur to me!! I departed for Boston to visit friends on Monday morning and then it was onto Newport on Wednesday to celebrate Kyle's graduation from Navy Officer Candidate School. Kyle's family and I were all reunited Wednesday night at about 6pm. We were able to enjoy a nice dinner at the Mooring in downtown Newport and then it was back to the hotel so that Kyle could catch up on sleep! At3:15 am, he had to head back down to the lobby to head over to the base to report at 4am. On Thursday, we met up with him to tour the base, go to the Navy Exchange and to learn more about what he has been doing for the past 3 months!!
Thursday afternoon we attended Pass in Review, where Kyle's class showed us the drill they have learned during OCS. It was quite an incredibly sight to watch them all move together so effortlessly! That night, we attended a cocktail reception at the Officer's Club to celebrate the soon-to-be ensigns!
Friday morning it was up bright and early to watch the 07-11 class take a beating from their drill instructor and watch chow hall procedures. Around 9am, graduation started and Kyle officially became an ensign! It was a wonderful experience and we are so proud of everything Kyle has accomplished!
For the past week we have been home in Orlando preparing for the wedding and spending quality time together! He heads back to Newport on Sunday for three more weeks of schooling!
Only 2 weeks until I am Mrs. Kyle Chance! :)