
Friday, September 26, 2014

Charlotte's Baby Book

Shutterfly photo books offer a variety of layouts and cover options to choose from.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Charlotte: 2 Months


Where do I even start? You are mommy's sidekick and I love you so much. You started smiling at us and at first I thought it was gas, but now I know it wasn't and you were just expressing your sweet personality! You light up when your daddy and I talk to you and sometimes you coo back at us. Mommy has a bad habit of calling you "boo-boo" and Daddy isn't a fan, but you love it and your smile shows it! You are so easy and go with the flow, I don't know how I got so lucky! You are sleeping and eating on a great schedule and you never complain or fuss about our on-the-go schedule. Because of that, you hate being still. You start to whimper the minute you feel the car slowing down to stop and you are instantly calm when we start moving. I try my best to choose routes where we don't have to stop and where we can turn right on red! :) When you nurse you sometimes pause to give me the sweetest little grin and it just melts my heart. I'm so lucky to be your mom! 

The many faces of Charlotte...

2 Month Check Up

She loves her daddy!
11lbs. 8 oz.

Such a trooper after 4 shots and 1 oral med

Weight: 11lbs. 8 oz.  (It's a tie for Daddy (11.7) and Grammy (11.9) on the correct weight guess
Diaper Size: Size 1
Clothing Size: Her NB sleepers are getting so tight! She mainly wears 0-3 month and 3 month clothing now!
Eye Color: Blue so far!
Sleeping Habits: Sleeps anywhere from 7-10pm until 1am or 2am depending on when she went down, then again at 5am or 6am. She usually takes one long nap (3-4 hours) at some point during the day. The past 2 nights we have started a bedtime routine and she has put herself to sleep after nursing. My plan is to put her in her crib when we return from Florida!
Adventures this Month: Ran/Strolled her first 8K, First Gator Game, a few beach trips, going to "daycare" while mommy does therapy for her back. Nothing too exciting, but looking forward to Florida next week!
Visitors: Gaga (my mom)
Milestones: Started smiling during the UF vs. Eastern Michigan game, coos and talks to mommy and daddy, recognizes and lights up when she sees mommy and daddy, rolling over, extended time with her head lifted!
Favorite Toy: She has a "toy ipod" that I play when I change her diaper, she spends more time in the swing now and she loves her Rainforest Gym that lights up and plays music!
Looking forward to: Trip to Florida and GG (Kyle's grandma) and Aunts visiting too!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Favorite Places Sign Party

My friend and fellow Stroller Warrior Mom, Sara, has the cutest little sign business here in Hawaii! I'm sure you have all heard of or been invited to a painting party of some type. You have a glass of wine, some appetizers and the instructor teaches you how to paint a particular picture. If you are like me, that picture doesn't turn out that pretty and instead of it gracing the walls of your lovely home, it gets shoved in a closet! I hope you have had better luck, but for most "art" stuff I put Kyle in charge!

When I saw Sara's signs on Facebook, I was instantly intrigued because everyone's "art" looked picture perfect! I immediately told Sara I wanted to host a party and we decided on what design we would do. The "favorite places" sign is great because it is so versatile. You can put duty stations, places you've been with your husband or like most of did, our favorite places! The writing on the sign is vinyl, so it's fail proof and looks so cute! 

We all chose colors for our boards; one for the bottom and one for the top and then we distressed them. While our boards dried, we were able mingle and enjoy some wine and apps!

I love how unique all of the signs were and how we were all able to add our own personal touch! Thank you Sara for your awesome design eye and for handling all eleven signs! If you are interested in hosting a party, you can contact Sara on her Facebook page, Simply Signs by Sara Sealy!

Applying the vinyl!

With our finished signs!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hiring a Doula for your Birth: What to Expect and What to Ask

When I found out I was pregnant, it never even crossed my mind that I would try to give birth without an epidural. When it comes to needles and pain, I am a wimp! I'm the patient that has been chased around the doctor's office to get a shot and also the one that gets sweaty palms when I see that needle coming towards me. What I realized throughout my pregnancy, is that alot of my fear was simply caused by the anxiety leading up to the shot, blood draw or procedure. I would let my mind go to a scary place instead of breathing and focusing on happy things!

About halfway through my pregnancy, I had read a few books and done a little research like most moms do at that point! One night I decided that we would watch "The Business of Being Born" on Netflix. We made some homemade pizza, Kyle had some wine and I had a big glass of water and we snuggled on the couch to watch the documentary. If you haven't watched this documentary, I would highly recommend it. 

Coming from a "medical family"( my dad was a surgeon and my mom is an RN), I never really thought about or explored other options regarding birth. I'm not blaming this on my parents, but I was just raised that doctors know best and you should always listen to them even if you don't necessarily agree with the recommendations. 

After watching the documentary, I had lots of questions and I began talking to Kyle about all of our options. We decided to take a Lamaze class, because even if I did plan on getting an epidural, I wouldn't be able to get it right away and I needed to have options to deal with my pain. Our Lamaze class was a one on one class with Nicia from the The Right Path Birth Class. For 3 weeks, we learned all about childbirth, practiced scenarios and birthing techniques and asked lots of questions. During the "scenarios", Nicia showed Kyle different touch techniques and holds to make me comfortable. Kyle did awesome learning the techniques and keeping me focused, but at the end of the day, something was lacking. This is hard to explain, but I responded more to Nicia's touch than Kyle's touch. I don't know why, but it was more maternal and felt more comforting. Of course, this was very hard to tell Kyle because I knew that he would be a great coach, but I felt like I needed a little more support if I was going to have Charlotte without any pain medication. I knew it would be a long and intense labor and I felt like Kyle could use help to help me as well! 

So, we started looking into a doula. Once again, never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought about hiring a doula. Just like many things related to birth, breastfeeding, etc. there are alot of stigmas and I am guilty of having a judgement of doulas before I really knew what they did! 

I would highly recommend a doula or labor support coach to anyone who is giving birth, regardless of whether or not you want to have a natural birth. 
Our birth team with our doula, Miki

Charlotte and Miki

We only interviewed one doula, but here are some questions to ask so you can see if she is a good fit for you. 
  • What kind of training or certifications have you received? 
  • What is your background in? 
    • Our doula was a massage therapist and certified yoga instructor. I think this made a huge difference because she was the "total package". She was able to do pressure points and massage through contractions and help me with breathing.
  • How many births have you been a part of? 
  • Are you familiar with the hospital or birthing center? 
  • What items do you provide during labor? 
    • This would include essential oils, tennis balls for massage, yoga mat, birthing ball, ice packs, washcloths, etc. 
  • Who is your backup should you be unavailable? 
  • Are you comfortable with my birth plan? 
    • I was very upfront and honest with my doula in letting her know that I probably would get an epidural at some point. Set expectations with your doula so she can be on the same page. 
  • When do your services start and when do they end? 
    • Your doula should have several pre-birth meetings to discuss your birth plan and get to know you as a couple! My doula even did a pre-natal massage for me! 
    • Our doula came to our house and helped me labor at home and then moved to the hospital. 
  • How involved are you after the birth? 
    • Your doula should follow up with you in some regard after the birth, whether it be by phone, email or in person. 
    • There are also doulas that specialize in care once you are home from the hospital to help with baby and your transition into motherhood. 
  • What are your fees?
    • Here in Hawaii, doulas range from $500-$1200 for the entire experience (pre-meetings, labor and follow up) or approximately $20/hour for after birth care. 
By no means as I am expert when it comes to doulas. A reader asked me to blog about my doula experience, so that is the root of this post. For those who are pregnant, I really hope you consider a doula. I promise you will not regret the decision! Comment or shoot me an email with any questions!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Stroller Warriors and the Tripler Fisher House Remembrance Run

When we moved out to Hawaii, I started looking for activities that I could do with Charlotte once she was born. I knew I wanted to be a part of a workout group that allowed children to come along. Back in Jacksonville, there was Stroller Strength, Stroller Strides, Mommy and Baby Yoga, etc. So, I knew there had to be options out in Hawaii too. I searched Facebook and stumbled upon a group called Stroller Warriors. I requested to join and was immediately welcomed into the group. I searched the site for the cost to join and was surprised when there wasn't a charge. I explained that I was pregnant and not planning on running until after I gave birth.

During the next few months, I only made it to a few workouts as I was working on the days we had workouts. Regardless, I began to get to know some of the girls in the group. Some were pregnant as well and we would band together and try to "walk our babies out". In April, the group had a Baby Shower for all the moms-to-be. I left that shower feeling so blessed. I barely knew these women and they were so kind to me and made me feel so welcome. Over the summer, the group took a break from the regular schedule but still has weekly meet ups. I attended a few towards the end of my pregnancy and the other moms were so encouraging and gave me confidence to know I could succeed in labor.

All the Mommas at the SW Baby Shower
After Charlotte was born, the group set up a meal train and we were blessed with so many wonderful meals during our first days as new parents! I was so moved by the overwhelming support.

Stroller Warriors is a military-focused club that was started by a military spouse in 2010. There are over 15 chapters worldwide ranging from Camp LeJeune all the way to Japan. Membership is open to males and females, spanning all ages, ranks and branches. Like I mentioned before, there is no cost to join and the workouts are led by military spouses who volunteer their time. This is not JUST a running club. Not only does the group have twice weekly workouts, but we also have Mom's Night Out and No Run Fun Days. I feel so lucky to be a part of this amazing group. You can read more about Stroller Warriors by visiting

Mumus and Mai Tais for Mom's Night Out

Stroller Warriors at our Tuesday Workout! Have you ever seen so many strollers?

On Saturday, Stroller Warriors had a team for the Tripler Fisher House Remembrance Run. We had over 156 runners! Our fearless leaders, Kate and Payge, coordinated a silent auction last month and the group raised $1014.00 for the Fisher House. Stroller Warriors had the honor of presenting this check to the director during the opening ceremonies.

Our group of runners!
Kate and Payge presenting the check to Fisher House
My running buddies! :)
As far as the race goes, I was nervous I wouldn't be able to finish. My longest race thus far was a 5K. Doubts took over my mind and I second-guessed myself. However, throughout the run, I felt motivated by the 7,000 plus boots that lined the race path. I was also motivated by the other Stroller Warriors who pushed through the race with their strollers, many with doubles!
Charlotte's First Race!
When we leave Hawaii, I will be devastated to leave this group. My hope is that wherever we go, there will be a chapter for me to join. If not, I may just have to start one up, that is just how much Stroller Warriors has impacted my life!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Gator Tailgate, Hawaii Style!

Being in Hawaii we miss ALOT of things! Family, Friends, Restaurants and "the South" just to name a few. As fall rolls around, we are also missing one of our favorite institutions! College Football! As most of you know, Kyle and I met at the University of Florida and spent our college days winning multiple National Championships at the greatest college EVER! Even when we lived in Jacksonville, we could make the short trip over to attend Gator games on the weekend. Now, we are in Hawaii and sadly we won't be making it to any football games this year. I haven't missed a Florida-Georgia game in over 10 years! So, thankfully, we have banded together and found several other Gator fans (it's true, the Gator Nation IS everywhere) and this past weekend we created our own little tailgate, even though there was no game! Since the game started at 7pm EST, we kicked off our tailgate at 12:30pm HST. It won't always be this easy as a 12pm EST kickoff, means a 6:00am HST kickoff here! Yikes! And, as you all know, we tailgated and waited as they delayed the game multiple times!

We are hoping to actually see some football this weekend! It will be 10am when the game kicks off here, so we are planning "Breakfast with the Gators"!

Our Gator Family!

Kyle excited for Football Season!

Part of our Tailgate Spread!
Thank you to my ADPi Sister, Lindsay Roberts Puffer, for the amazing Kahlua Chocolate Cake!

Always multitasking!

Daddy and his cheerleader!

Hawaiian Gators! (and 1 NC State and 1 Georgia Fan)

Gaga and her Charlotte!