
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Affordable Announcement Option

As technology continues to take over our world, I often wonder if the postal service will soon become extinct! I love snail mail, so I am really hoping that it doesn't! It is always a treat to get something in the mail! I have a little addiction to thank you notes, especially monogrammed ones! I should really add up how much I spend in stationary and postage every year! It is probably a scary number!

With a stamp coming close to 50 cents, it is definitely expensive to send announcements, invitations, Christmas cards, etc. So, when it was time to send announcements for Charlotte's birth; I started researching options. I found some adorable options on Minted, Tiny Prints and Shutterfly, but with our list topping out at over 100, I knew I would be spending a fortune on the announcements if I went that route. 

In the past I have used Etsy for invitation designs for my nephew's birthday and for an engagement party. The designs can range anywhere from $10-$20 or even a little more for a custom design. You are buying the PDF/JPEG image and then you can either print or send as an embedded file in an email.

Announcement design by  Four Harp Designs 

If you do a 5x7 invite, you can fit 2 per page. I would suggest this because it reduces the cost of color copies by half. When you are planning to print, keep an eye out for a sale. I used Office Max for Charlotte's announcements and they were running a 25% off all printing sale. (Side note: Office Max and Office Depot are merging and they offer a significant military discount) With the military discount, color copies are 39 cents. Then, you would need them to cut the prints to the proper dimension at $1.00 per cut. I would suggest at least 100lb. cardstock for thickness. If you aren't interested in the hassle of printing, most Etsy stores will also print and ship to you!

Then, you need envelopes. I was in a rush for time, so I picked up my envelopes from a local supply store in Hawaii at a great price! I spent $8 for 100 5x7 envelopes. I would also recommend Amazon and for an assortment of colors and textures. 

And finally, you need postage! You can always get personalized stamps on Zazzle to complete your look. I was able to find some cute floral postage stamps that somewhat coordinated with my address labels and envelope wraps.
Envelope Address Wraps by Four Harp Designs
Total Cost for 100 Announcements: 

Design- $18.00 
Envelopes- $8.00 
Color Copies- $19.50 
Envelope Wrap Design- $10.00 
Labels for Address and for Evelope Wraps- $15.00 (with plenty leftover for next project) 
Postage- $46.00 


 You would easily spend this much for just your announcements on a site like Shutterfly or Minted! I should also mention that Charlotte's daddy took all of her precious newborn photos. He did such a good job! :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

DIY: Bow and Headband Holder

When we found out we were having a little girl, I would be lying if I didn't say that one of the first things that came to my mind were BOWS! I mean who doesn't love a baby with a coordinating outfit, bow and shoes? Thanks to Etsy, there is no shortage of adorable bows available to purchase!! Throughout my pregnancy, I searched for a bow and headband holder that would coordinate with Charlotte's room and be functional. I never really found anything I loved, so I decided a DIY project was in store!

You have probably heard me rant about Hawaii and its lack of "normal" (or as we like to call it here "mainland" things). We don't have Hobby Lobby, Michael's or Jo-Ann's! But, we have Ben Frabklin Crafts. Don't get me wrong, it's not horrible, but the selection doesn't compare and it is super pricy and they rarely have coupons. I recently discovered that Hickam Air Force Base has an arts and craft store. I initially wrote it off because I didn't think it was possible for the store to have anything, but boy was I wrong! 

My mom and I ventured there yesterday and wow, it was awesome! The store is small, but still had everything we needed and of course, the prices were great! 

So, that brings me to my DIY project! Here is what you will need:

Picture Frame (preferably 8x10 or larger, I used 11x14)
6-8 small C Hooks ( found at hardware store)
1 spool of ribbon 
hot glue gun 
Embellishments (optional) 

Remove glass and matting and push back metal holders so they are not exposed.

Depending on your size frame, measure out where you want your ribbons. This will vary depending on the different size bows that you have. 

Glue ribbons to the back of the frame. Make sure to make the ribbons tight so they don't droop. 

Next,  line up the hooks (they only had gold at HD, but you can paint them to match your frame)

Then drill the holes for the C hooks (maybe your husband can help! :)

Glue on any embellishments to complete the project!

Add your bows and headbands! How cute is this? 

Total Cost of Project:
C-Hooks- $2.17 (for two 4 packs) 
Ribbon- $3.25 
Flower Accent-$6.00


When compared to Etsy, a similar product would be upwards of $30 plus shipping! You could definitely do this project for even cheaper with a more basic frame or one from Goodwill that you repurpose and paint. But, I have multiple mirrored frames in her room and it really completed the look! 

Happy Crafting!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

New Blog Design

I hope you are enjoying the new look of my blog! I've gone back and forth with what direction I want to go, but for now I plan to keep blogging about Charlotte and our life here in Hawaii! The page is still under construction, so please bear with me as I get updated in my free time (wait, what is free time?). I'm playing around with settings, tabs, etc. so it may not be "picture-perfect" for a while. However, it is way to complicated to hide or unpublish, so you will see it all under construction!I would really like to transition into more a lifestyle blog and I am super excited for that creative outlet, but I also know that family and friends really enjoy catching up with us through the blog. It's absolutely impossible to keep everyone up to date via phone calls because of the 6 hour time change.

So, if you are brave and like to comment, tell me what YOU want to see! I've seen my readership grow rather quickly over the past few months and it has been really exciting for me as I really enjoy writing and sharing!

Thank you to Jelly Design Studio for the new design! You can visit her page at  or check out her Etsy Store at

Monday, August 25, 2014

Charlotte: 1 Month Checkup

On Saturday, we went to the pediatrician for Charlotte's 1 month checkup! We knew that she would be getting the Hepatitis B shot that day and momma was definitely sad thinking about it!

Before her appointment, we all took guesses as to what her weight would be. Three weeks ago she was 7lbs. 7oz. I knew her clothes were getting tighter and we graduated her to size 1 diapers (tear), but I still didn't think she had gained too much weight.

Mommy: 8lbs. 3oz. 
Gaga: 8lbs. 4oz.
Daddy: 8lbs. 5oz. 
Grammy: 8lbs. 8oz. 
Grampy: 9lbs. 2 oz. 

We were all wrong! 

Her actual weight: 9LBS 5OZ!! 
Almost 2 lbs in 3 weeks!! 

I couldn't have been more proud! I know she eats alot, especially from 6-10pm where she is a nursing machine, but I was shocked at her weight gain! My mom gave her a 3oz. bottle the other day and she was still a little hungry, so I think she is definitely eating 3 oz. plus every feeding! She was also 21.5 inches! 

Then it was time for her shot! :( We were moved into a different room and I nursed Charlotte as the nurse prepped! Charlotte was peacefully eating and then she stuck her! Charlotte turned bright red and screamed for about 30 seconds! It was so pitiful. I was a sad mommy. But, after that she went right back to nursing like nothing happened! She got a Snoopy bandaid and she was just fine! The doctor said she may be fussy, but honestly I don't think it really affected her!

We go back on September 20th for her two month appointment. Wow, time is flying! 

DIY: Homemade Leather Cleaner

I've been searching for leather cleaner all around town, at the Navy Exchange and the commissary and to no avail, I have not been able to find it! When we moved from Jacksonville, we were forced to throw away all liquids, candles and clean supplies due to the shipping regulations.

So, I decided to search for a homemade cleaning solution! Our couch is a brown leather sofa and it has quite a history, hehe. My mom gave us the couches when she sold our childhood home a few years back. I would venture to guess that this leather sofa is about 10 years old or more. It just goes to show that when you buy quality furniture (the couch is Broyhill) it definitely lasts. 
My mom and I took out the cushions and vacuumed all the fun stuff out of the couch! I was quickly reminded of my nephew Robby as we found a few of his goldfish stuck in the cushions! We also found our Apple TV remote that's been missing since we moved from Jackosnville and one of my mongrammed coasters! So, if you are reading this, it may be time to clean your sofa and find some treasures! 

The recipe is super easy! 

Homemade Leather Cleaner 
1/2 cup vinegar 
1/4 cup olive oil 
 2-3 drops essential oil (optional) 

I used some of my doTerra oils to give it a nicer sent as the smell of vinegar can be pretty strong! I would recommend a squirt bottle of some kind. I'm not afraid to share that I used my squirt bottle from the hospital! We didn't have anything else and it worked perfectly! It was a great repurpose! 

Of course I didn't take before pics, but the couch is super shiny and looks like it was professionally treated! Try out the recipe! I guarantee it is cheaper and better than any product you would buy at a store!

Happy Cleaning!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Charlotte: 1 Month

I'm not quite sure how it has been 1 WHOLE MONTH since Charlotte has been born! I'm sure every new parent has the same thoughts and of course I received lots of advice during my pregnancy to include "Enjoy every moment, time flies" or "You'll blink and they will be leaving for college". These statements have a whole other meaning to me now and they are SO true! As much as it seems like yesterday that she was born, it also feels like she has been here forever!

First Family Photo
We are settling into our routine and I am feeling more and more confident as a mommy everyday! Once my in-laws left and Kyle went back to work, it was just us. I was worried what we would do everyday, but we have been super busy! Of course there are some days we don't leave the house, but for the most part we have lots of fun going out to our activities and running errands! Charlotte so far has been an easy baby! We pretty much have just kept going on about normal life since she arrived and she has adapted very well!

Charlotte got to spend 10 days with her Grammy and Grampy

Gaga is visiting until the end of the month!
One of the things I was most terrified about (besides childbirth) was breastfeeding. I have heard horror stories from friends and other moms and this was one thing I KNEW I wanted to do, come hell or high water! So, in anticipation, I bought just about every breastfeeding product out there including creams, gel packs, thera shells. You name it, I bought it (thanks, Amazon)! When Charlotte was born, she spent the first 3 hours of her life on my chest, not swaddled, bathed, poked or prodded, and we bonded. About an hour in, she took to breastfeeding and probably nursed for about an hour! I was shocked! How did she know how to do this?!?! Then, I wondered was anything coming out? As the days went by and we went home, I kept waiting for something bad to happen! Sore nipples, engorgement and latch problems were playing over and over in my mind. I thought it was too good to be true! How could this be going so well? I know so many moms who struggle with breastfeeding and have so many complications. I feel so grateful to have been able to nurse Charlotte and not have any problems! Part of me thinks it was God giving me a break since I had such a painful labor! Regardless, nursing Charlotte is by far one of the most favorite parts of my day. There is nothing more sweet than snuggling with her and watching her eat! The fact that I can provide her with the perfect food and nourishment is a joy that I cannot describe.

Charlotte has been a busy girl this month and although Hawaii is a small island, she has already ventured around to most of the island including the North Shore, Lanikai Beach, Waikiki and Ko'Olina!
Aunt Courtney visited with her mom all the way from Boston 

I'm still trying to figure out a format for my monthly Charlotte updates! I've looked around on other blogs, but if you have any suggestions let me know! I know as she gets older and does more things, I'll have more interesting things to share! But for now, here are some 1 month pics! We had a little party with cupcakes to celebrate! 

After about 300 photos, we finally got a good one!

Happy One Month!
Celebrating with Aunt Ashley and Robby

Love my baby girl!

Weight: As of August 2, she was 7lbs. 7oz. She has her 1 month checkup this coming Saturday
Diaper Size: NB, but they are getting pretty tight! :(
Clothing Size: NB, some 0-3 month outfits, but they are still pretty big. She has a long torso and some of her NB outfits don't button because she is so long!
Eye Color: Blue so far!
Sleeping Habits: I know it seems crazy, but she totally has a schedule. She gets fussy in the evening (usually gas) and finally settles and falls asleep around 10. She wakes up at 3am (usually on the dot) nurses for about 20-30 minutes and goes back to sleep until about 5am or 6am and then usually goes back to sleep for about 2-3 hours.
Adventures this Month: Dole Plantation, Waikiki, Lanikai Beach, Moving into a new house at 10 days old!
Visitors: Grammy and Grampy, Aunt Courtney and Aunt Helen and Gaga
Milestones: Took her first bottle from daddy, rolled over during playtime, extended eye contact, holds her head up for extended periods of time
Favorite Toy: Not really a toy, but she loves her Rock and Play. I haven't even used her swing because she loved the Rock and Play so much!
Looking forward to: Dressing up for football season and our trip home to Florida in October!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Maternity Photos

Our good friend Amanda Cramer photographed us for our maternity photos! She is super talented and very creative! You can check out her website at . Not only is she a photographer, but she is also an Officer in the Army and a momma-to-be!! Charlotte's new friend is set to arrive in January! We originally planned for Amanda to do Charlotte's newborn photos, but she was out of town, so she generously let us borrow some of her props and her special lens and Kyle worked his magic for her photos!

Amanda also took photos of my family when they were out in March! If you are ever in Hawaii, give her a call! I could not be happier with the photos! Here are a few of my favorites!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Charlotte's First 2 Weeks!

Wow, time is flying and I want to document everything going on in little Charlotte's world! We came home from the hospital on Monday, July 21 and it was definitely a little scary! The house definitely wasn't prepared/cleaned and we needed groceries and to set up all of Charlotte's gear, but we did come home to some beautiful flowers and balloons!
Leaving the hospital!

Beautiful flowers from family and friends!
Kyle was seriously super dad doing laundry, going to the grocery store, cooking dinner and helping with Charlotte all with a big smile! We are lucky girls to have him, that is for sure! Obviously, we did not have our families out when she was born, but we were overwhelmed and blessed with love from our church family, friends and my workout club too. For the first 2 weeks of her life, we had dinner brought to us every single night! It took away so much of the stress and we were really able to enjoy Charlotte in those first few days!

First bath at home!
Kyle's parents were set to arrive on Friday, July 25 (her due date ) and after an emergency landing in Salt Lake City, they made it to Hawaii on Saturday instead! It was definitely a scary situation, but we are so glad they made it safely! Also on the 25th, my niece, Kate Ella Thornburg, was born! Wow, what a crazy time! So, the cousins are 6 days apart!
Meeting Charlotte for the first time!

On Sunday, July 27, we ventured to church for the first time and Charlotte was an angel. Everyone was so excited to see her! It was very sweet!
First Sunday at Church
Rocking her smocked outfit and bonnet for church!
We spent the next few days getting ready for our move on Wednesday. I think it went pretty well overall! No major damage to our stuff! It still took Kyle and his dad and 4 professional movers about 7 hours to get everything moved! Charlotte was a trooper that morning and slept 5 hours straight which helped! I was nursing her in a beach chair before the furniture arrived! 

We are so happy in the new house and I have to admit most days I am in a jacket or sweater because I'm chilly! It's crazy! I think Charlotte needed a few days to adjust to the air because she had a few hiccups in her nighttime sleeping once we got into the house. She usually is up 2 times a night around 2:30 and then again at 5 when Kyle is getting up for work. 

On Saturday, we had a pediatrician appointment and Charlotte had a great checkup! She was up 5 oz. from her birth weight which is awesome! They typically want babies to be back at her birth weight by 2 weeks, so she is ahead of schedule! We go back in another 2 weeks for a weight check and her 1 month appointment!

After the appointment, we headed to the North Shore for lunch at one of Kyle's favorite places, Opal Thai. It's an interesting place because the owner takes all the orders. But, he doesn't let you order from the menu. He asks you what you like and then he comes up with a dish for you! Kyle's parents were scared at first, but they really enjoyed it! We did some shopping and got some ice cream and made a quick stop at Dole Plantation on the way home for some pineapple whip for me! :) 

On Sunday, Kyle's command had a Hail and Farewell at the Modern in Waikiki. In the past, the events have been more picnic type, so this was fun to go out to a nice hotel for drinks! Kyle's boss is leaving the command and will be going to Bahrain to take command of a ship, so it was bittersweet for Kyle as he has learned a lot from him over the past 6 months. We took Charlotte with us, even though Grammy and Grampy were here. We wanted to show her off and we haven't given her a bottle yet. She is nursing really well and we just don't want to take a risk with introducing the bottle. However, I would like to soon because I don't want it to be too late and her refuse it! She does take a pacifier sometimes, but overall she is a really good baby (just like Kyle was)!

Kyle giving his farewell to his boss, Bryan.

Charlotte's First Night Out in Waikiki! :)

Kyle's parents left last night and it was a sad day for us all! There was no shortage of tears! We will definitely miss them! They were a huge help with our move and helping with Charlotte. We couldn't have done it without them!! Now we are on our own for a few days, but looking forward to our next visitors, Courtney and her mom and my mom after that!! So excited!

I'll leave you with this picture of our little family! We ventured to Lanikai Beach to get photos of Charlotte with the "Mokes". I had this vision of having Charlotte in a basket with a fluffy blanket just looking so angelic. Well, after nursing her for what seemed like an hour and her still not falling asleep and Kyle practically rolling around in the sand to get the right angle, here is what we got! :) She wasn't sleeping, but I still think they are pretty cute!

First time at Lanikai Beach for photos at 8 days old!